Voidmistress Chastitia

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WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel Wounds Fate Points Insanity Points Corruption
(2)5 (5)0 (2)5 (3)0 (5)0 (4)0 (4)0 (4)0 (3)0 8 2 14 0


Deceive (Fel)
Intimidate (S/Fel/Int)
Common Lore (Imperial Navy, Koronus Expanse, War) (Int)
Forbidden Lore (Xenos) (Int)
Scholastic Lore (Astromancy, Tactica Imperialis) (Int)
Navigation (Stellar) (Int)
Pilot (Space Craft, Flyers) (Ag)
Psyniscience (Per)
Scrutiny (Per)
Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int)


Pistol Weapon Training (Universal)
Melee Weapon Training (Universal)

Nerves of Steel
Quick Draw

Hatred (Orks)
Peer (Military, Underworld, Void Born)
Rivals (Inquisition)


Street Knowledge: As a result of their living on the ‘streets,’ the Footfallen suffer a —5 penalty on all Scholastic Lore Tests except those that involve information on the Koronus Expanse (whether or not a given Scholastic Lore Test involves the Koronus expanse is up to the GM).
Web of Contacts: As they learn to survive, Footfallen generate a web of contacts that can extend throughout the Koronus Expanse. All Footfallen characters gain a Peer Talent chosen from the following list (choose one): Astropaths, the Insane, Underworld, Void Born, Workers.
Port of Call: Because many of the settlements Footfallen call home have numerous factions, and even species, they tend to pick up the different types of postures and body languages of thousands of travellers that cross their paths. As such, all Footfallen characters begin with the Polyglot Talent.
Sixth Sense: Though they cannot explain it, the true Footfallen have a strange attunement to the Expanse that borders on the supernatural. All Footfallen characters gain Psyniscience as a Trained Skill, although they do not count as psykers. However, they are of an interest to the Inquisition, and begin the game with the Rival (Inquisition) Talent.


Weapons and Upgrades

Common-Craftsmanship power sword
Common-Craftsmanship bolt pistol

Armor and Clothing

Lathe-manufactured Pressure Carapace
Guard flak armour
Void suit
Imperial Navy uniform


+10 Acquisition: Best-Craftsmanship MIU (+20 to relevant tests, allows sense-sharing)

Tools and Consumables

Blessed ship token
2 bottles of amasec


+0 Acquisition: Common-Craftsmanship Guncutter (Callsign "Hawk")

XP gain and expenditure

500 XP from defeating the pirate captain John Sterro
1250xp from Death World shenanigans