Triple H
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Savvy 6/Power 5/Tech 2/Rough 2
Attitude: Face; Height & Weight: 6'04" 275; Weight Class: Heavyweight; Lift DC: 13; Reputation: +9; Abilities: Str 15 (+2), Dex 13 (+1), Con 16 (3), Int 14 (+5), Wis 15 (+2), Cha 16 (+3); Endurance: 240; Trauma: 19; Base Attack Bonus: +12; Saves: Fort +12, Ref +7; Will +11; Training Background: Mat wrestling (Perform promo & Concentrate)
Skills: Bluff +9 Climb +5 Concentrate +13 Diplomacy +19 Intimidate +24 Know Power +12 Know Rough +7 Know Savvy +12 Know Simple +7 Know HIAC +12 Perform Vignette +8 Perform Promo +15 Prof Actor +5 Sense Motive +7 Sleight of Hand +8
Maneuver Proficiency (Simple, Power, Rough, Savvy, & Technical); Cheap Shot Artist; Fearless; Gut Check; Imposing; Improved Recovery; Moveset; Opportunist; Renown; Resilient; Signature Move; Spectacular Entrance; Toughness
Talents: Badass; Big Badass; Cerebral Assassin; Hardcore; Instinct; Juggernaut; No Chance in Hell; Stroke
Moveset: Knee smash; sleeper; figure four; DDT; running neckbreaker
Signature Moves: Main Event Spinebuster (Power; 2d6, immediate pin, requires lift check) (+0)
Finishing Maneuver: Pedigree (Technical; 2d6, possible stun, requires lift check) (-3)