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Class & Level Aerial 4/Manager 2

Attitude: Face Height & Weight: 5 foot 7, 180 pounds Lift DC: 10 Reputation: +4 Abilities: Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12 , Wis 15, Cha 14 Endurance: 72 Trauma: 12 Base Attack Bonus: 3 Save: Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +1 Training Background: Acrobatics

Skills: Jump 3, Spot 2, Balance 7, Hide 2, Maneuvers Aerial 5, Maneuvers Technical 5, Tumble 7, Speak Language (English), Perform (promo) 1, Manuevers Technical 5, Concentration 3, Climb 1, Knowledge Roster 3, Profession Interviewer 4

Feats: Simple, Aerial and Technical maneuvers Proficiency, Popular Appeal, Renown, Aerial maneuvers Focus, Coordinated, Lightning Reflexes, Quicker than a Hiccup

Talents: Trigger Reflexes, Close Call, Mouthpiece, Lucky

Finishing Maneuvers: Rising Sun. Aerial, 2d6 (doubled), knockdown, immediate pin check, possible stun on self if missed, prone self , Costs 2 END +0

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