My Little Mahou Shoujo:Patricia Delambert
Patricia "Trisha" Delambert is a character in the My Little Mahou Shoujo game, played by Doc Chronos.
Patricia Delambert is the daughter of Felice (former film and television star, now college drama professor, and Robert ("The Tony Stark of Film FX") Delambert. An only child, she lives with her Mother (her Father spends most of his time in Hollywood, but comes home as often as work allows).
At age 7, Patricia spent nearly a year in hospital being treated for complications to an infection which her parent brought back from a location shoot. It was during this time, that she met Solomon Starr, magician (a retired Vegas headliner) who now kept his slieght ofhand in by entertaining at the various hospitals in the area.
Trisha was completely enamored by the Magic of Starswirl the Bearded (Starr's new child friendly stage persona) and after several shows, worked up the courage to ask if the wizard thought that she might be able to learn magic.
Starr showed his fan a few simple tricks, and was astounded at the speed in which she mastered them. With the enthusiastic support of her parents (who were delighted in her new found interest)the next 8 years saw Trisha become, first Starr's student, then assistant.
Last year, Starr retired from performing once again, arthritis having robbed his fingers of their former nimbleness. Fortunatly for the children, Starswirl the Bearded's greatest student The Great and Powerful Trixie! was able to step into his place.
Trisha enjoys her life. She loves performing for her young audiences, and relishes the joy she sees in their eyes. She remembers very well what it's like being shut in, and how important it was to have something special to look forward to.
That said, she also realizes that she is not living anything close to a 'normal' life. She enjoys school, interacts with a great many people, but has no close friends. Most of her peers consider her to be a bit odd. After all she's nice to everyone, even the nobodies, the geeks, and the nerds! She doesn't care about important things like fashion, or who is doing what to whom. Due to her mother's fame (and the family's wealth), she has never been targeted by the malice of the popular crowd, but neither is she considered acceptable. She has decided that it would be nice to have a real friend or two, and has made making them a project for the new school year. Will she succeed? Was there ever any doubt?
- Enemies d8
- Self d6
- Friends d10
- Watch in AWE!
- A different drummer
- Everyone has Value
Master Illusionist
- Mind Control D8
- Sorcery D8
- Mental Blast D8
- Invisibility D8
- Shapshifting D8
- SFX - Lifelike Illusions: Spend a PP to add a D6 to your dice pool and step up your effect die by +1 when creating illusion-based complications
or mental stress.
- Limit - Smoke and Mirrors: Master Illusionist powers can not affect physical objects or directly inflict physical stress.
Sleight of Hand
- Props (Sorcery) D8
- Fire Tossing (Fire Blast) D8
- Imitation (Mimic) D8
- Smoke Bombs (Teleport) D8
- SFX - Tricks up my Sleeve: When not transformed, you may step down Sleight of Hand power traits instead of shutting down the power set.
- Limit - Empty sleeves: Shutdown any Sleight of Hand power and gain 1 PP. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a Transition Scene
- Mystic Master D10
- Tech Expert D8
- Covert Expert D8
- Business Expert D8
- Combat Expert D8
Element of Friendship
- 1XP: When you make, or help a friend. (once per scene)
- 3XP: When you stand up for your friend dispite personal risk. (once per scene)
- 10XP: When you successfully befriend an enemy at a critical moment.
Lure of the Limelight
- 1XP: When you inspire wonder in your audience. (once per scene)
- 3XP: When you insist on showing off on your own, and it gets you in trouble.
- 10XP: When you neglect or friends at a critical moment to further your stage career or pass on a great career oportunity to stand by your friends.