New Ways Old Grudges Werewolf CalmSky

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The Calm Sky Sept

Common Knowledge

Located in the general vicinity of Minot, North Dakota, Calm Sky's name does not appear to fit the tribal makeup of its members. The council of elders, which is well known to be split down the middle between Wendigo and Fenrir, has also been known to settle a lot of disputes with bloodshed. However, as far as anyone outside Calm Sky is aware, it has never elevated to fratricide among werewolves. Some believe that outwardly shedding blood and snarling at each other is what allows the sept to function otherwise, since there is little anger left inside to seethe and rot.

Everyone agrees that this is a good thing because of the nature of Calm Sky's purpose: a vastly powerful Nexus Crawler, per legend one of the strongest to ever blot the landscape of North America, is imprisoned in a sealed aquifer far underground. The only thing more disturbing than this is the relative proximity of Minot Air Force Base, widely known to be an active US Air Force nuclear weapons site. Nobody really wants to contemplate what might happen if the Nexus Crawler somehow escaped and attacked the powerful Weaver spirits overseeing the nuclear weapons and the Air Force personnel delegated to handle them. There are rumors that the Wyrm has been attempting to free the Nexus Crawler and access the site, allegedly the cause of incidents around the missile crews over the last few years.

Council of Elders

John Runningdeer, "Frozen Wind Cracks The Stone", Homid Wendigo Ahroun, Sept Warder.
Hannah Torvaldsdottir, "Fangs Running Blood", Lupus Get of Fenris Galliard.
Pamela Williams, "Winter's Mind", Homid Wendigo Philodox.
Jeremiah Schleswiger, "Tonguebreaker", Homid Get of Fenris Theurge, Council Speaker/Sept Alpha.


Caern Type: Enigmas
Totem Spirit: The North Wind
Werewolf Population: 19, counting Council of Elders
Significant Known Tribes: Wendigo, Fenrir
Minor Known Tribes: Glass Walkers, Shadow Lords.

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