New Ways Old Grudges Werewolf Grass

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Bear's Haven

Common Knowledge

One of the newer and younger caerns in the Upper Midwest, if not North America in general, this sept also represents something of an anomaly. Opened sometime in the late 1890s, after the Wounded Knee Massacre, it is one of the few places anywhere with a proportionately large Wendigo and Red Talon population that is not always soaked in blood. Few elder werewolves really know what to think about it, especially Wendigo and Red Talon werewolves - certain members of both tribes think far more should be happening than appears to be, but for the moment the situation stands at Green Grass.

There is some controversy among tribes that are not Wendigo or Uktena about the existence of this caern, because the site is known to be in close proximity to a former Gurahl haunt, and Bear oversees the Caern of the Green Grass. Nobody outside the sept knows for sure whether or not the sept leadership is in contact with werebears, but similarly, nobody would be surprised if they were. There have been some mutterings about investigations by larger and more important septs, and allegations of dishonorable behavior, but, almost down to a single individual, Wendigo and Red Talon werewolves who are aware of the sept's existence and its purpose defend both, generally with rabid intensity.

The small, carefully controlled, but so far very successful program to breed and reintroduce native wolves to the area probably has something to do with that.


Rufus, "Windhowler", Lupus Red Talon Ahroun, Sept Warder.
Gordon Smith, "Melting Frost Heralds The Spring", Lupus Wendigo Theurge, Keeper Of The Land.
Janet Kingston, "Soothing Song", Homid Child of Gaia Galliard, Master of the Rite.
Lucia, "Bearpaw", Lupus Red Talon Philodox, Truthcatcher/Sept Alpha.
Edwin Rathburn, "Laughs At Death", Homid Wendigo Ragabash, Wyrmfoe.


Caern Type: Healing
Totem Spirit: Bear
Werewolf Population: 12, counting Leadership.
Significant Known Tribes: Red Talons, Wendigo, Children of Gaia.
Minor Known Tribes: Bone Gnawers.

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