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- Main Page; The Lost City


  • Neutral Thief Level 1
  • XP: 0/1200 (+10%)
  • Backstory: 50 words max


  • STR 9
  • INT 14 +1 language
  • WIS 10
  • DEX 17 +2 to hit ranged attacks, -2AC, +1 to reaction
  • CON 11
  • CHA 16 +1 to reaction tests, max 6 retainers morale 9


  • HP: 4
  • AC: 5
  • Attack:
  • Movement:
  • Treasure-bearing movement:
  • Saves:
    • Death Ray or Poison
    • Magic Wands
    • Paralysation or Petrification
    • Dragon Breath
    • Rod, Stave, or Spell:

Class Abilities

  • Backstab: Thieves gain a +4 to hit foes unnoticed. Additionally, they deal double-damage.
  • Open Locks: The ability to open a lock without destroying it or applying brute force to it. Only one attempt is allowed on a given lock for a thief until that thief has gained a level.
  • Find/Remove Traps: The ability to find and remove well disguised traps. Only one attempt is allowed per trap.
  • Pick Pockets: The ability to pick another person's pocket. If the roll is greater than double the listed percentage, then the target notices the attempt.
  • Move Silently: The ability move silently, even when it would not normal be possible. (Note: this is an extraordinary skill. Everyone can move quietly when attempting it. The thief can go above and beyond the normal.)
  • Climb Steep Surfaces: The ability to climb steep surfaces without the aid of specialized climbing equipment.
  • Hide in Shadows: The ability to hide completely in shadows. The thief must remain still for this to work. (Note: this is an extraordinary skill. Everyone can hide in darkness at night. A thief can hide in the shadow cast by a building in the middle of the day, or establish hiding in the middle of a combat.)
  • Hear Noise: Everyone can hear noises if they stop and listen. Thieves improve this ability with experience so they can detect the very faintest noises. Note that this ability is on 1d6, unlike the other thief skills.
