A character in Dwimmermount: If Trouble Was Money
- Human Assassin 1
- XP: 0/1,700
- Alignment
- Henchman of Savia
- 15 STR (+1 to hit and dmg in melee)
- 10 INT
- 12 WIS
- 11 DEX
- 06 CON (-1 HP per HD)
- 13 CHA (+1 reaction)
- Languages
- Common (spoken, read)
- General Proficiencies
- Class Proficiencies
- Weapon Focus (swords and daggers)
- Move Silently 17+
- Hide in Shadows 19+
- Backstab (+4 to attack, double damage if target is unaware)
- AC 2
- HP 1
- Movement Rate 120/40/120
- Initiative Modifier 0
- Attacks
- Primary Melee Attack: Two-handed Sword 9+; 1d10+2
- Secondary Melee Attack: Dagger 9+; 1d4+2
- Primary Ranged Attack: Crossbow 9+; 1d8+1
- Saves:
- 15 Petrification & Paralysis
- 14 Poison & Death
- 16 Blast & Breath
- 16 Staves & Wands
- 17 Spells
- Two-handed sword 1 stone
- Leather armor 2 stone
- Dagger 1 item
- Arbalest crossbow 1 stone
- Bolts x20
- Backpack 1 item
- Waterskin 1 item
- 1 wk rations 1 item