Caledor Hathalil
Core Statistics
Caledor Hathalil: Grand Magister of Dawnhaven
Elf Kensai Magus 3
Age: 123
Height: 6’03”
Weight: 133 lbs
Ability Scores/Modifiers
Strength: 16/+3
Dexterity: 16/+3
Constitution: 10/+0
Intelligence: 17/+3
Wisdom: 10/+0
Charisma: 7/-2
HP: 21
Initiative: +7
AC: 18
BAB: +3
Melee: +5 (+6 with Fauchard, +7 on Opportunity attacks)
Ranged: +5
Fortitude Save: +4
Reflex Save: +5
Willpower Save: +4
Skills - Ranks - Total Modifier
Climb (Str) - 1 - 7
Intimidate (Cha) - 3 - 4
Knowledge (arcana) (Int) - 1 - 7
Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int) - 1 - 7
Knowledge (planes) (Int) - 1 - 7
Perception (Wis) - 3 - 3
Spellcraft (Int) - 3 - 9 (11 for identifying)
Swim (Str) - 1 - 7
Use Magic Device (Cha) - 1 - 2
Racial Traits
Low-Light Vision: Elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Elven Immunities: Immune to sleep and +2 on enchantment saving throws
Elven Magic: +2 Spellcraft and Caster level checks
Fleet Footed (Replaces Keen senses and Weapon familiarity): +2 Initiative and Run as a bonus feat
Temple Guard (+1 Opportunity attacks with Polearms)
Warrior of Old (+2 Initiative)
Elf Bonus feat: Run
Kensai Bonus feat: Weapon Focus (Fauchard)
Level 1: Combat Reflexes
Level 3: Craft Wonderous item
Class Features
Arcane Pool (4 points)
Spell Combat
Spell Strike
Canny Defense
Magus Arcana: Flamboyant Arcana
0 Level (unlimited) - DC 13
Magus comes with all Cantrips already known. That said, assume the four below are prepared unless I state otherwise.
Arcane Mark
Detect Magic
Read Magic
Ghost Sound
1 Level (3/day) - DC 14
Enlarge Person
Expeditious Retreat
Silent Image
Color Spray
Magic Missile
Shocking Grasp
Purse: 134gp
2 Pearls of Power (Level 1)
Cloak of Resistance (+1)
+1 Silk Ceremonial Robes
Magus kit
Background and Personality
No longer welcome in the great Elven Citadel, barely tolerated in the human bastions, Caledor signed on to this venture for a fresh start: A position of power and privilege where his talents and brilliance can be recognized and appreciated.
An arrogant and critical Elf, Caledor is argumentative and insulting (although often unintentionally). His abrasive personality left him with few friends and when a rival Magus spread a few well placed rumors, it wasn't long before he was exiled from the few kingdoms that still tolerated him.