Th oral Ba as

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Personal Data

Name: Th'oral Ba'as
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class/Level: Magus 1
Alignment: Neutral Good


Strength 16/+3
Dexterity 16/+3
Constitution 12/+1
Intelligence 14/+2
Wisdom 13/+1
Charisma 10/+0


Senses: Perception +1
Init: +3
HP: 9
AC: 16, touch AC 13, flat-footed AC 13 (+3 Dex, +3 Armor)
CMB: +3
CMD: 16
Fort: +3
Ref: +3
Will: +3


Skill name Ranks + Ability Modifier + Class Skill + Misc Bonus (total modifier)
Disable Device 1 + 3 + 0 - 1 (+3)
Knowledge (Engineering) 1 + 2 + 3 + 3 (+9)
Knowledge (Local) 1 + 2 + 0 + 0 (+3)
Linguistics 1 + 2 + 0 + 0 (+3)
Spellcraft 1 + 2 + 3 + 0 (+6)
Survival 1 + 1 + 0 + 0 (+2)


Magus: Armor Proficiency (Light)
Human 1: Intensified Spell
Magus: Martial Weapon Proficiency (All)
Magus: Simple Weapon Proficiency
Level 1: Technologist


Gifted Adept (Snowball): Effects of chosen spell manifest at +1 CL
Local Ties (Knowledge (Engineering)): +1 trait bonus and class skill. In addition, act as if Technologist feat. If actually have Technologist feat, the +3 trait bonus instead.
Metamagic Master (Snowball): Total level with metamagic feats on chosen spell reduced by 1 (min. actual spell level)

Class Features

Arcane Pool +1 (3x/day) (spend point from pool to add enhancement bonus to weapon)
Spell Combat (cast Standard Action spell and attack with melee weapon at -2)

Racial Features

Bonus Feat: +1 Feat at first level
Skilled: +1 Skill Point / Level


Save DC: 10 + Ability Modifier + Spell Level = 12 + Spell Level

Acid Splash
Level 1 (Spells/day)
Snowball (DC 13)


Studded Leather Armor (25 GP, 20 lbs.)
Dagger (2 GP, 1 lbs.)
Light Flail (8 GP, 5 lbs.)

Backpack (2 GP, 2 lbs.)
Bedroll (1 SP, 5 lbs.)
Belt Pouch (1 GP, 0.5 lbs.)
Explorer's Outfit (free, 0 lbs.)
Flint and Steel (1 GP)
Ink, Black (8 GP)
Inkpen (1 SP)
Mess Kit (2 SP, 1 lbs.)
Pot (8 SP, 4 lbs.)
Rope (1 GP, 10 lbs.)
Soap (1 CP, .5 lbs.)
Spell Component Pouch (5 GP, 2 lbs.)
Thieves' Tools (30 GP, 1 lbs.)
Torch (x10) (1 SP, 10 lbs.)
Trail Rations (x5) (2 GP 5 SP, 5 lbs.)
Waterskin (1 GP, 4 lbs.)