Henchfolk and followers
- Main Page; The Lost City
- Ayune- Heavy Foot. Chain,Shield. Longsword, spear, handaxe. AC 5 HP 6, Morale 9. Bodyguard to Aristophel.
- Darue- Heavy Foot. Chain, Shield. Battle axe, Spear, Hammer. AC5 HP 6, Morale 9. Lawful. Bodyguard to Sparrow.
- Fenc the Goblin - Str 10 Int 10 Wis 7 Con 13 Dex 14 Cha 9 HP 5 Morale 7. Leather, Shield. Shortsword, dagger, shortbow & quiver.
- Mule #1 With packsaddle [4 x 1000c] Owned by Sparrow.
- Mule #2 With packsaddle [4 x 1000c] Owned by Brother Valarn.
- Muleteers. Anxe and Rhgo. Leather. Cudgels,handaxes,daggers. HP 5,4. Morale 10.
- Gleda. Str 9 Int 13 Wis 15 Con 11 Dex 13 Cha 16. Companion - 1st lvl. HP 3. AC 9(8). Dagger. Legend Lore 20% Spells. Healing touch(m), Detect Magic, Charming(m).
- Redrick Str 14 Int 9 Wis 8 Con 14 Dex 11 Cha 14 1st level Ftr HP 7 AC 2 (Plate and Shield). Sword, Dagger, Bow. Lawful, follower of the Light.
- Trebor Gorritz Str 16 Int 12 Wis 13 Con 14 Dex 12 Cha 8 2nd Ftr HP 12 AC 3 (Plate) Polearm, Crossbow, handaxe. Neutral.
- Lilse, Auchine and Else. Pixies. They carry swords and bows and are in delicate Silken Armour. They can dispel magic 1/day and use ventriloquism at will. They are naturally invisible, can fly for up to 3 turns before resting a turn and Auchine (the leader) can cast phantasmal force once a day.