Main page for the Princes of the Apocalypse PBP, a 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons campaign.
IC and OOC Threads
Links here
Dramatis Personae
Aldar Dustriven, Human Wizard 5
Combat Status Summary
- Bob, Fighter, 49/49 HP, 5/5 hit dice
- Steve, Cleric, 38/38 HP, 5/5 hit dice
- Tim, Wizard, 27/27 HP, 5/5 hit dice
Resource Links
Elemental Evil Player's Companion
House Rules
- Character Generation
- Standard array (15 14 13 12 10 8 in any order BEFORE racial adjustments)
- Fixed hit points (max hit die + Con at first level, rounded up average hit die + Con every other level)
- 5th level
- 1000gp, no starting magic items
- Unrestricted classes and races.
- Feats -- when you would normally gain a feat from gaining a level, you may select from (+2 attributes AND a feat) OR (+2 attributes AND proficiency in any combination of 3: skills, saves, or tools).
- Resting changes -- TBD
- Reaction changes -- characters who are of "unusual" races or classes (as defined by the group they are interacting with) may suffer reaction penalties. Basically, suspicious townsfolk don't cotton to half-devil warlocks. Or elves, because no one likes elves.
The Elder Elemental Eye are some bad dudes.