Wisrtum:Characters:Tonda of Belisil

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Tonda is tall and slender human woman. She has Carmel-colored hair, a slightly tan complexion, and sharp blue eyes. She has thin dark scar that extends from her brow down to her cheek bone on the left side of her face. She is fit, and fast on her feet. Though many men find her beautiful, she has an intensely stoic demeanor.


As a young child, Tonda loved the outdoors in general, and the beauty water in particular. In the warmer months, in the small farming village of Belisil, she could often be found swimming with friends instead of doing her assigned chores. In the colder months she could be found engaging in snowball fights which she usually won.

In the winter of her eleventh year, on lake Wahst, she found herself bested at in a snowball-fight by young boy two-years her senior, named Jorin: on whom she had her first crush. In a playful act of mock vengeance she tackled him, and they both fell hard upon the ice laughing almost to the point of tears. In the glee of the moment Jorin lost his inhibitions, and did the unthinkable: he kissed a girl. It was then the ice beneath them cracked and gave way...

In the moments that followed: Tonda, a much stronger swimmer than Jorin managed to lift him upon an icy, but seemingly stable ledge. Once he was safe, she began to hoist herself out of the water, only to have it break beneath her weight several times. On her last attempt at freeing herself from the waters icy clutches, a slab of ice broke off from the ledge she attempted to set herself upon, smacking hard in the head, and knocking her out.

She was pulled from the water more than an hour later, her body apparently lifeless. A few hours later, as her body was about to be prepared for burial, she inexplicably returned to life. Her friend Jorin, however, did not fare so well. In the weeks that followed he gradually succumbed to pneumonia; despite the best efforts of healers to prevent it. These events left Tonda physically and emotionally scared.

As she matured Tonda found herself able to exert some level of control over water in both its solid and liquid states. Though emotionally disconnected from the people around her, she developed a hand at gardening: her skill aided no doubt by her ability to summon mists to nourish her beloved plants. During the colder months she devotes herself to beautiful ices sculpture, which many in her village gather to see each year. Many say it is as though she is a shadow of her former self, as she almost never speaks, and the only way she can truly express herself is in her gardens of plants, and ice.

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