Clementine Arthur
Character Name
Short description:
Investigator Name: Clementine Arthur Occupation: Doctor of Medicine Colleges, Degrees: Sydney University Birthplace: Paddington NSW Mental Disorders: Sex: F Age: 25 Family & Friends: Wounds & Injuries: Marks & Scars:
STR 8 CON 12 SIZ 10 INT 16 POW 16 DEX 17 APP 14 EDU 17 HP: 11 Damage bonus: 0 Idea: 80 Know: 85 Luck: 80 SAN: 80
Accounting 10% Anthropology 01% Archaeology 01% Astronomy 01% Bargain 30% Biology 50% Chemistry 01% Climb 40% Conceal 15% Credit Rating 65% Cthulhu Mythos 00% Disguise 01% Drive Auto 35% Electrical Repair 10% Fast Talk 50% First Aid 65% Geology 01% Hide 10% History 20% Jump 25% Law 05% Library Use 45% Listen 45% Locksmith 01% Mechanical Repair 20% Medicine 75% Melee Weapon 01% Natural History 10% Navigate 10% Occult 05% Operate Hvy. Machine 01% Other Language 30% Ancient Greek Other Language 30% Latin Persuade 35% Pharmacy 40% Photography 10% Physics 01% Pilot 01% Pilot 01% Psychoanalysis 10% Psychology 45% Ride 05% Sneak 10% Spot Hidden 60% Swim 25% Throw 25% Track 10% Fist/Punch 50% Head Butt 10% Kick 25% Grapple 25% Martial Arts 01% Dodge 34% Handgun20% Machine Gun 15% Rifle 45% Languages:
Shotgun that belonged to her father
$1000 dollars worth of clothes shoes accessories make up and toiletries.
Kit Car an Essex 4 door sedan With luggage carrier. Includes several pillows and blankets in the passenger compartment. Currently has 2bags of clothes etc for Clem for trip, her medical bag and the toolkit in the luggage compartment Crutches on luggage rack.
Access to an ambulance
Medical Bag includes: Drugs Forceps x 2 Scalpel Set Hypodermic Syringes x 2 Atomizers x3 (1 of which has ether in it.) Gauze Bandages x5 Clinical Thermometer Alcohol (half gallon) x 2 Hard Rubber Syringe x 5 Metal Crutches Water bag Straight Jacket Torch Novel Greys anatomy Current medical text for reading Cotton cloths
Toolkit (kept in car) Tool Outfit Hand Drill (plus bits) Small steel pulley Padlock Rope (50ft) Watchmakers tool kit Socket wrench set. Crowbar Handsaw
Miscellaneous Pens x2 Pencils x2 Writing tablet
Also the guys both have a Corduroy Norfolk suit, Oxford dress shoes, a Chesterfield Overcoat and a Fedora hat that she provides.
Background and Notes
Clem Arthur is a pleasant faced young woman, except for her eyes just occasionally there’s a hardness there. She seems to be happy in her role as supervising doctor at a local sanatorium, there's a but there, you don't know why but you're sure that happy isn't the word.