The World Tree/Grayhedge
An industrialized city, Grayhedge was carved by ancient dwarves and humans working side by side within the World Tree campaign. Presently, Grayhedge is home to many poor and shady services and citizens.
City Data and Demographics
Structural Information
- Size: large
- Layout: extremely narrow alleyways
- Attractions: The Pantheon Statues of the Deities, the Snaggled Tooth tavern, and the Auran Horse Races.
- Famous For: The Pantheon Statues, 40 ft. tall depicting the creation of and the battles between the major deities.
- Buildings: decrepid and aging, not well kept
Population Statistics
- Guards: scarce
- Locals: single and small families.
- Crime: moderate
- Major Races: humans and dwarves
- Minor Races: elves and halflings
- Government: volunteer guards
- Major Influence: criminal organizations and merchants
- Corruption: low
- Religious Influence: low
Economic Considerations
- Economy: average and decreasing
- Economic Base: import/export of natural resources