Halls and Horrors
- Main Page; The Lost City
- Small box w' 20 rolled black lotus leaf (+1 to initiative, to hit, Dam and AC), lasts 6 turns. Cumulative (on d6) chance of tremors (-2 to all physical stats) lasting 1 day/dose smoked if used more than once a week. Roll for tremors after initial effect.
Mule 1
- 562 gp - under flagstone in Harem area
Mule 2
- 195gp 202sp- goblins on way in
- steel shovel
- mallet bound in bronze
- a silvered short sword
Dumped in furniture room
- Five mail byrnies and closed helms (sized for humans), 10 human daggers, 4 swords, two handaxes
- 3 weeks of human iron rations, a longbow and quiver with 15 arrows, 4 iron spikes
- Bronze cookpots, a shortsword, three weeks iron rations, two wineskins (full) and a lantern (no oil).
- 9 spear heads
Taken from Bazelos
- Two small brass phials and a bag of platinum coins (44pp).
Lurks loot.
- Ten bags of gold (100gp ea), a gold letter opener (150gp) and pen-set (250gp), along with a ledger detailing expenditures for the running of the halls.
- 15 swords,4 handaxes, eight shields, 5 helmets, 21 spears, two staves, eight crossbows and 140 bolts in quivers.
- 11 small emeralds (10gp ea). 15gp,87sp,31cp.
- A gold necklet encrusted with rubies. (1200gp).
- Two magic arrows (rust-red flights, runes 'iron-bane') and a ring with an odd glyph (ring of thievery, +1 to one thief skill of choice).
- Two large, scaled eggs (dragon eggs).
XP Tally
- Stirges. (30) 390xp.
- Obj: Tizuns status. [some danger,easy](50xp ea)
- Iron golem. (bypass) 120xp
- Befriend Gleda. 23xp
- Befiend/rescue Yvis and Cleb. 225xp
- Defeat cronies (tied up in empty cistern) 78xp
- Win over guards.36xp
- Kill Lurks. 144xp
Total: 1014xp +50xp ea.
Dealing with the Brothers
- Charm and slaying of Seega. 60xp
- 8 zombies destroyed. 160xp
- MU and Ftr Slain. 130xp
- Diker. 425xp
- Acolytes. 50xp
- Win over more guards(8). 48xp
- Capture 5 cronies. 63xp
- Obj: Defeat Seega and Diker, take control of area. (25xp ea)
Total: 936xp + 25xp ea
Securing the Halls
Breakdown for shared xp would currently be: Full share- Liku, Havan, Aristophel, Sparrow; half share -Grimgar, Fenc, Eldariel, Valarn. [6 shares in total] Loot is split howver you want it.
8Achievement xp
- Night Dancers 900xp
- Room of Doors 200xp
- Tizun Thane restored 450xp
Total = 1550xp, so 260xp per share to keep it simple.
- 2 bloodhawks 40xp
- 4 Giant ants. 500xp
- 4 giant wasps 150xp
- 8 huge ants 200xp
- 5 trogs [4+leader] 150xp
- Total 1040xp, so 1 share is 175xp, rounding up.
- Assassin 120pp
- Seega: 400pp, 300gp,
- Deadventurers:4 gems (50gp ea ) 20pp, 13 platinum bars (50gp each)
- Trogs: A gold and Jade Necklet. (700gp)
Total: 4550xp
- The sword Eyes: +1, +2 vs magic users, int 10 Ego 8, speaks common and dwarven, Neutral, detect magic, see invisible objects, find secret doors. [Havan]
- Book "The look of Eagles" (+1 Charisma).
- Spellbook [Travelling book. 3 1st & 2 2nd [Detect magic, Read magic, Read Languages & Locate Object, ESP].
- Javelin of lightning
- Magic spear (runes) (+1, +2 vs metal based/clad foes)
- Remarkable leather armour (+1)
- Plate and Mail (+2).
Unknown: Iron God shrine: A flat iron chest about two feet long, one foot wide and 6" deep. [This was heavily trapped]. Detects to magic.