AFMBE Deadfall:Main Page

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Hundreds of meteors fell, pummeling the nations of Earth. They all, invariably, struck the cities and metropolitan areas of the world. And in the wake of the meteors falling, the dead rose. At the fall of civilization, we follow the trials of one band of survivors as they try to make their way in a hostile world.

Deadfall is a play-by-post campaign for All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Revised Edition, Game Mastered by Stattick.


Recruitment Page

Additional Qualities and Drawbacks These might be allowed on a case-by-case basis.


Current PCs

Robert B. Morre, played by Raiu

Playable NPCs

These are some of the current, major NPCs that the party are dealing with, that would be appropriate as PCs. If you need a new PC, I may allow you to take over one of these characters as your PC.

Past Characters

These characters are no longer with the group, for one reason or another. But since we don't yet know their fate, it's possible that they may return, in one form or another.

Infected or Dead Characters

These character are confirmed to be either infected or dead. They aren't playable anymore.

House Rules

Attribute Improvement

At character creation, you can buy additional attribute points, above what your character type allows, at a 5:1 basis. It costs 5 character creation points to improve an attribute 1 point. These points can be taken from your skills, qualities, or gained by taking Drawbacks.

After character creation, the rules on pg 118 apply. However, you can improve an attribute by more than one point. But there will need to be a significant amount of in-game time between raising a given attribute by another point.

Example: Marcus was a slovenly couch potato who worked at a desk before The Rise. He had a Strength of 1. After a few weeks of having to eat only what he could scavenge, frequently having to run for his life, and having to lug around a pack and doing a lot of other physical labor, he lost most of his spare tire, and gained a point of strength. Amazingly, the former couch potato managed to survive to see year 2 (average). By then, hard work and fighting were a normal thing. He was able to raise his Strength to a 3 (above average).

Quality and Drawback Notes


-1 pt only. Yeah, I don't see being a Minority causing much trouble for a character, so I'm only allowing it as a 1 point disadvantage. Taking it as a disadvantage means that you're alright with me occasionally screwing with your character because of their race/sex/orientation/religion/nationality/whatever. If you play something other than a straight white man, that's great. I'll try to remember NOT to screw with you over it, unless you take the Minority drawback.

Forbidden Qualities and Drawbacks: Multiple Identities, and Resources


You probably won't be able to take this one. If you want to take it, I'll have to approve of it first. See, civilization's gone 'way. Ain't no one cares no more if were cheatin on yer wife, or that you made your fortune with inside trading. But if we catch you cheatin or robbing us, we'll string you up by the neck, 'less you really piss us off, and then we might leave you tied to a tree for the biters.


Best I'd probably allow it for is 1 pt. Civilization's gone 'way. Probably about everyone you ever knew is dead. Some might still be walkin' round and moaning, but they're still dead.

Acute Senses (ultrasonic)

You can hear higher pitches of sound than normal humans. Sometimes you can hear electronics or small electric motors going bad due to noises or whines they make that are above the hearing range of other people. You can also hear dog whistles and other, occasionally irritating, noises. The ZM will occasionally give you a bonus to some hearing checks, allow you hearing checks that characters without this advantage don’t get, or just let you hear a high pitched whine that others can’t perceive.