Graham Parker

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A character in the Stars Without Number: Back in Black campaign.

Graham Parker

  • Level 8 (Expert)
  • XP: 128320/YYY
  • Age:39
  • Homeworld: Reef, Elway-9 Colony
  • Languages: English, Mandarin, Hindustani, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, French, Afrikaans
  • Background & Description: Former Navy Com-Tech and First Responder who got a decent retirement package after a classified op. He drifted for a few years, until finally deciding to go freelance--normal jobs were too boring, and fringe exploration was close enough to his old line of work to keep the doldrums away. He put his resume out on the net, and Danger’s crew had the best offer.


  • Strength: 10
  • Dexterity: 14 (+1)
  • Constitution: 7 (-1)
  • Intelligence: 14 (+1)
  • Wisdom: 10
  • Charisma: 14 (+1)

Combat Block

  • Movement Rate:
  • Hit Points:
  • System Strain: 3/7
  • Armor Class:
    • Under Armor: AC:
    • Power Armor: AC: 1
  • Attacks
    • (Attack 1): Laser Rifle: 1D10
    • (Attack 2): Laser Pistol:
    • (Attack 3): Monoblade:
  • Saves
    • Physical: 14
    • Mental 13
    • Evasion 10
    • Tech 9
    • Luck 12


  • (Pressure Sheath)
    • SS: (1)
    • Description: (Just copypasta what it does from the book)
  • (Ghost Talker)
    • SS: (1)
    • Description: (Just copypasta what it does from the book)
  • (Eelskin Capacitor)
    • SS: (1)
    • Description: (Just copypasta what it does from the book)


  • Athletics 1
  • Bureaucracy 0
  • Combat
    • Energy 1
    • Primative 0
  • Computer 3
  • Culture
    • Nyx 0
    • Spacer 0
  • Exo-suit 1
  • Language 0
  • Perception 1
  • Persuade 1
  • Security 2
  • Stealth 0
  • Tech/
    • Astronautics 0
    • Postech 1



Loadout: High-Risk/Hostile Situation

    • Armor: Power Armor: AC 1
    • Weapons:Laser Rifle
    • Consumables: 3 A-cells
    • Gear: Multitool,
    • Weapons:laser pistol, monoblade
    • Consumables:3 a-cells, glowbugs
    • Gear: Suit Fresher

Low-Risk/Civvie Load

    • Armor: Under Armor
    • Weapons: laser pistol, laser rifle
    • Consumables:
    • Gear: Multi-tool
    • Weapons:
    • Consumables:
    • Gear:



  • Credits:95,000 after Cybernetics
    • Credit Chips Carried: 500
    • Electronic Credits Carried:1500
    • Stowed: 5000
    • (Deposit A): 88,000 in State Bank.
    • (Deposit B):


