William Debluudie

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William Debluudie Player: Cerulean Lion

Character type: Survivor

Description Gender: Male | Age: 21 | Height: | Weight: Race: | Hair: | Eyes:

Strength: 3 Dexterity: 4 Constitution: 4 Intelligence: 3 Perception: 3 Willpower: 3 Life Points: 50 Endurance: 35 Speed: 16 Essence: 32

Qualities and Drawbacks: Level (Cost/XPs) Artistic Talent (Photography): 1 (3/0), Attractiveness Quality: 2 (2/0), Fast Reaction Time : 1 (2/0), Hard to Kill: 4 (4/0), Photographic Memory: 1 (2/0), Resistance (Disease): 2 (2/0), Resistance (Pain): 2 (2/0), Honorable: 2 (-2/0), Insomnia: 1 (-3/0), Recurring Nightmares: 1 (-1/0),

Skills: Level (Cost/XPs) Brawling: 2 (2/0), Climbing: 2 (2/0), Computers: 1 (1/0), Driving (Car): 2 (2/0), Engineer (Electrical): 2 (2/0), Fine Arts (Drawing): 1 (1/0), Fine Arts (Photography): 2 (2/0), First Aid: 2 (2/0), Guns (Rifle/Shotgun): 3 (3/0), Hand Weapon (Axe): 3 (3/0), Hand Weapon (Club): 2 (2/0), Hand Weapon (Knife): 1 (1/0), Mechanic: 4 (4/0), Notice: 3 (3/0), Play Instrument (Harmonica): 2 (2/0), Running (Marathon): 1 (1/0), Sport (Parkour): 2 (2/0), Streetwise: 2 (2/0), Survival (Forest): 2 (2/0), Survival (Urban): 2 (2/0), Swimming: 2 (2/0),

Equipment At work: Mechanic's tool belt with pouches. A few separate pouches on his belt. Normal assortment of tools on belt. Includes two multitools. Flashlight in tool belt.

First Aid kit, Bottle of ibuprofin tablets. Half a dozen sewing needles and two spools of thread, wrapped in a piece of cloth. Cell phone in tool pouch.

Two harmonicas, one in tool belt, one in shirt pocket. Cheap digital camera.

Depending on circumstances: Woodcutting hatchet clipped to tool belt. Bowie knife in scabbard clipped to tool belt. Canteen on carry strap, filled. Glass bottle of Iodine crystals, kept in a cloth wrapping to guard against breaking.

Rucksack with whatever seems appropriate, depending on when we start.

If off duty William is likely to have a sketch pad and some pencils or charcoal sticks.

A good compass.

Winchester model 70, firing .30-06, with scope. 5 round magazine.

Eighty-seven (87) rounds of ammo

Notes William Debluudie is a Canadian citizen, raised in Nova Scotia but accustomed to yearly extended summer visits to northern Ontario and Labrador, where the family went on vacation. William became a mechanic and electrician because his father Thomas, a carpenter, insisted he get a "real" trade, by which he meant something that could be used in construction. William is a skilled amateur photographer and sketch artist, and would much rather have earned his living in photography.

None the less William became a competent mechanic, electrician and electrical engineer, and has made a decent living at it.

Thomas Debluudie was a hunting enthusiast who brought his sons along on hunting trips whenever he could. William's older brother Colin enjoyed it and became a skilled hunter. William hated it with a passion, in spite of which he did become skilled with a rifle, and decent in woodcraft. He keeps in practice with both skills despite his dislike of the woods and of hunting, since he believes in competence and is unwilling to let an existing skill decay from disuse.

He hated the evening drinking bouts as much as the daytime activities, and as an adult, adamantly refuses to drink. To this day he has nightmares about the woods and about angry drunks.

His reluctantly won skill in the woods led to his discovery of "parkour"--freerunning, or urban exploration. That skill he learned and practiced with a will, and picked up some urban survival and streetwise to go with it. He has a nasty jagged scar on the palm and wrist of his left hand, the result of a fall taken while roof-running.

William is currently in Wisconsin on a two-year work visa, which has about a year to go.

Character Sheet by UniForge Version: 1.1.5. Last Modified 2015-06-23 12:17:17