Jake / "Kingpin"
Name: Francis "Jake" Doers / "Kingpin"
Player: Lorechaser
Concept: Outlaw Biker
Character type: Survivor
- Gender: Male
- Age: 33
- Height: 6'3"
- Weight: 228
- Race: Caucasian
- Hair: Shaved
- Eyes: Green
- Strength: 4
- Dexterity: 3
- Constitution: 5
- Intelligence: 2
- Perception: 3
- Willpower: 4
- Life Points: 58
- Endurance: 44
- Speed: 16
- Essence: 21
Qualities and Drawbacks: Level (Cost/XPs)
- Bag of Tricks: 1 (3/0)
- Charisma Quality: 1 (1/0)
- Contacts (Bikers): 1 (1/0)
- Hard to Kill: 4 (4/0)
- Nerves of Steel: 1 (3/0)
- Threat Detection: 1 (3/0)
- Addiction (Smoking, Moderate): 2 (-2/0)
- Attractiveness Drawback: 1 (-1/0)
- Black Thumb: 1 (-1/0)
- Honorable: 1 (-1/0)
- Minority (Biker): 1 (-1/0),
Skills: Level (Cost/XPs)
- Brawling: 2 (2/0)
- Demolitions: 1 (1/0)
- Demolitions (Improvised): 3 (1/0)
- Dodge: 3 (3/0)
- Driving (Car): 1 (1/0)
- Driving (Motorcycle): 2 (2/0)
- First Aid: 2 (2/0)
- Gambling: 1 (1/0)
- Guns (Handgun): 3 (3/0)
- Guns (Rifle/Shotgun): 1 (1/0)
- Hand Weapon (Club): 4 (4/0)
- Hand Weapon (Knife): 1 (1/0)
- Intimidation: 2 (2/0)
- Lock Picking (Mechanical): 2 (2/0)
- Mechanic: 3 (3/0)
- Mechanic (Motorcycle): 5 (1/0)
- Notice: 1 (1/0)
- Play Instrument (Guitar): 1 (1/0)
- Scavenging: 3 (3/0)
- Stealth: 1 (1/0)
- Traps: 1 (1/0)
- Traps (Improvised): 3 (1/0),
- Biker jacket
- Armored Biker Suit
- 12 gauge Shotgun
- .45 Pistol
- Knife
- Demolition bar
- Guitar
- 3 burner phones
- iPod
- Camping gear for 1 week
- 2008 Harley Davidson Fatboy
- 2002 Dodge Ram 4x4 Extended cab with motorcycle trailer.
Jake's story is reasonably common. It starts out a little different - he was born to upper-middle class parents, and had a reasonably stable home life growing up. His parents loved him, he did okay in school, he had friends, and things seemed to be going well enough for him growing up.
He had to work to find things to rebel against, reasons to be angry. But find them he did. By the time he was 13 he was "that kid" in the neighborhood. By 15 he was smoking, drinking, fighting, and getting suspended from school. By 16 he dropped out of school as he was getting expelled. He stole enough money from his parents that he could move to a new city and live for a while without needing to work. Eventually he realized that he needed to earn money, but lacked any marketable skills. He moved from random muggings through stealing cars and up to selling drugs in a reasonably short time - he had a certain "moral flexibility" that made him very well-suited for living an "outlaw" lifestyle. He was a likable guy, he was good in a fight, and he just didn't care if he lived or died, so he was hard to scare. He bumped up against a true outlaw biker gang in a bar in Chicago, and found himself in the hospital, but also being offered an in with a smaller gang who had been impressed with his balls, if not his brains.
After that things went pretty quickly. He'd become handy with machines in the course of learning how to steal them, and had spent enough time getting in to fights that he was easily useful. He spent a handful of years providing muscle for bigger names in the club. He didn't really have any desire to move up - he was happy being part of a group that took care of him and let him get in trouble. When he got arrested, they defended him. When he went to jail, they got him out. Eventually, he got patched in, and his nickname, "Kingpin," became official. It was more of a joke than anything else - he was big and he was bald like some comic book character, and his complete lack of ambition made the name stick.
Recently, he'd been sent ahead to scout out a location for a weapons sale. He's been at the park for a couple weeks, getting used to the area and making sure things were ready.
Character Sheet by UniForge Version: 1.1.5. Last Modified 2015-06-23 11:42:09