No Sharper Spur

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Ninevehn's Stars Without Number game.


Character Creation

As per the core rulebook, with 3 exceptions. 1) Roll as normal for attributes, then assign them in any order you wish. 2) Choose one Background Package, and additionally the Adventurer Package. 3) Choose one Training Package, and additionally the Adventurer Package. You may choose the adventurer package twice in a stage if you wish.

Starting Money

Each character gets 1,000 credits to purchase starting gear with, up to TL4. The setting is absolutely lousy with up-jumped TL2-3 gear, and there's a lot of military surplus on the market, so it's sort of a buyer's market.

One Cool Thing

Pick an item as allowed above. A weapon, armor, a Tech kit, etc. Something that you want to be a signature or vital gear for your character. You get it for free and it's reasonably plot-protected; don't do something foolish like chuck it out an airlock or into a volcano and you'll hang onto it.

One Plot Thing

Pick a plot-driving hook for your character. Maybe you know a secret jump route, or a military officer who needs work done off the books from time to time. Every character needs one connection or relationship that can be used to get information, create complications or hang an adventure off of in a pinch!

Sector Map


  • Star= Star System
  • Line= Publicly Known Route
  • Purple= Phoenician Authority Space
  • Orange= Trakkaran Territory
  • Blue= Delann Space