Yona Magdadottir

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Personal Data

Name: Yona Magdadottir
Player: Mindstalk
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 19
Class/Level: Bard 2
Alignment: Good
Description/Background: Mother is Magda, a smallholder; father was Pierre, a fisherman who didn't come back from a venture on the deep lake, when Yona was young. When Yona was 12, it became clear that she was not just a gifted singer but had the Talent, and she was sent down to the city for training, with a wizard named Lola. Yona wasn't the most gifted magical student, casting from song and emotion rather than abstract manipulation, but still she learned, and read a lot, too. Now she's 19, released back to her community. "I've taught you everything you're ready to learn at the moment, and how not to be a danger."
Pic: https://bravenewmoe.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/ending-card.jpg (big)

Personality: mix of playful or intense. Wins most staring contests.

Siblings: maybe

Love interest: no

Languages: Common, +2 unspecified


Strength 10
Dexterity 14/+2
Constitution 12/+1
Intelligence 14/+2
Wisdom 13/+1
Charisma 16/+3


Senses: Perception +5
Init: +2
HP: 15
AC: 16 (Touch 12 Flatfooted 13)
BAB: +1
CMB: +1
CMD: 13
Fort: +1
Ref: +6
Will: +4
Special: +4 vs. bardic, sonic, or language dependent effects; re-roll 1 failed save/day (Second Chance trait)

Skills with ranks

Bluff: +7
Climb: +4
Diplomacy: +8
Intimidate: +7
Knowledge arcana: +7
Knowledge geography: +7
Knowledge history: +7
Knowledge local: +7
Knowledge nature: +7
Perception: (see combat)
Perform (singing): +7
Sense Motive: +5
Spellcraft: +6
Stealth: +6
Use Magic Device: +7


Human 1: Point-blank Shot
Guild boon: Arcane Strike


Deft Dodge: +1 Reflex
Second Chance: re-roll failed save 1/day

Class Features

A bard adds half her class level (minimum 1) to all Knowledge skill checks and may make all Knowledge skill checks untrained.

Bardic Performance (countersong, distraction, fascinate, inspire courage)

Racial Features

Type: Humanoid (Human)
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 feet
Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.



Studded leather
Bard's kit
Winter kit

Entertainer's outfit
Traveler's outfit


Level 0 unlimited, DC 13
Dancing Lights
Ghost Sound
Detect Magic

Level 1 4/day, [3 class, 1 Cha] DC 14
Cure light wounds
Summon monster I