Alejandro Huertas
Crew of the Trendsetter in the Stars Without Number: Back in Black campaign.
Alejandro Huertas, Deck Crew
- Level 1 Warrior (Security/Bosun)
- XP: 1000/2005
- Age: 22
- Homeworld: Thalassa (Acacian)
- Languages:
- Background & Description: average height, shaves head bald, scars all over his hands, thick broken nose, owes loan sharks. Served in the Acacian military as military police.
- Strength 10
- Dexterity 10
- Constitution 10
- Intelligence 10
- Wisdom 10
- Charisma 10
Combat Block
- Movement Rate: 20 m
- Hit Points: 8/8
- System Strain: 0/10
- Armor Class
- Combat Field Uniform: AC 4
- Attacks
- Unarmed: +1 to hit, 1d2
- Void Carbine: +1 to hit, 2d6 damage, Range 100/300, 10 shots
- Saves
- Physical 12
- Mental 15
- Evasion 14
- Tech 16
- Luck 13
- Athletics 0
- Combat
- Projectile 0
- Unarmed 0
- Culture
- Spacer 1
- Leadership 0
- Persuade 0
- Security 0
- Tactics 0
- Tech
- Astronautics 0
- Armor: CFU
- Weapons: Void Carbine
- Consumables: glowbug x4, extra ammo (20 rounds), Lazarus Patch
- Gear: compad, metatool
- 5/5
- Weapons:
- Consumables:
- Gear:
- 0/10
Exploration Loadout
- Readied
- TL 4 backpack
- Void Carbine w/flashlight
- Vacc suit
- Consumables: 3 glowbugs
- 3/5
- Stowed
- Glowbugs x3
- Ammo (20 rounds)
- 3 tanks air
- Commpad, metatool
- Lazarus patch
- Type A cells x3
- Gauntlet/goggles x2
- Books (IC post 373)
- 7/10
- Credits:
- Electronic Credits Carried: (This is an amount carried on your compad. It's not EASY to steal, but it's traceable unlike chips)