Kazumi Jones

- Level: 3
- Class: Psychic
- XP: 8,242
- Age: 24
- Languages: English, Japanese
- Background & Description: Kazumi Jones is an enthusiastic and energetic young man, charitably describable as a jack-of-all-trades. After being ejected from the academy at Delann due to political problems, he wandered the spacelanes for a while working as an archaeologist, ship's doctor, or whatever else came his way. He is currently searching out a more lucrative career and the opportunity to acquire more ancient artifacts. He is notable for his lack of fighting skills, and will attempt to either avoid or delegate all combat.
- Strength 9
- Dexterity 9
- Constitution 9
- Intelligence 15 +1
- Wisdom 14 +1
- Charisma 15 +1
- Combat/Psitech 0
- Computer 0
- Culture/Spacer 0
- Culture/Phoenicia 0
- Culture/Traveller 0
- Exosuit 0
- History 1
- Instructor 0
- Perception 1
- Persuade 0
- Science 0
- Tech/Medical 0
- Tech/Psitech 0
Psychic Powers
- PP: 12
- Biopsionics: 2
- Biostasis
- Psychic Succor
- Telepathy (Primary): 2
- Empathy
- Metalinguistics
Other Stats
- Movement Rate: 20/40m
- HP: 9
- Psi Points: 12
- System Strain: 9
- AC: 7/4
- Attacks (Attack Bonus +0)
- Mind Blade: +4, 1d4+3
- Laser Rifle Autofire: +1, 1d8+2
- Saves
- Physical 13
- Mental 12
- Evasion 15
- Tech 16
- Luck 14
- Readied 4/4
- Laser Rifle w/tactical light on rails (2)
- Grenade (1)
- Mind Blade (note: A fluted, bladeless hilt that appears to be made of melded sapphire and gold-tinted, unidentifiable metal. Found on an archaeological expedition and smuggled off-world.) (1)
- Compad
- 10 glowbugs
- 1000Cr
- Stowed 8/9
- Dataslab
- Lazarus Patch (1)
- Bioscanner (1)
- Backpack
- Medkit (2)
- Type A Power Cell (6)
- Grenade (1)
- Kazumi has a Good lifestyle (prepaid, 1 month)
When in town and not expecting trouble, Kazumi wears an armored undersuit and carries a concealable thermal pistol.
- Bank account, 3700Cr
- Cut-down pistol, 1 magazine
- Armored Undersuit
- Thermal Pistol
Plot Thing
-Main Page: No Sharper Spur