Basic Stats
Magic Might: 5 (Animal)
Characteristics: Int 0, Per +2, Pre -2, Com 0, Str -3, Sta +3, Dex +1, Qik +3
Size: -2
Age: n/a (appears to be full grown)
Decrepitude: n/a
Season: Spring
Flaws: Magical Friend (Minor, Social Status), Reckless
Virtues: Magic Animal (Special, Free), Unaffected by the Gift (minor, Supernatural), Essential Virtue: Loyal (minor)
Magical Inferiorities: Susceptibility to Deprivation, Minor Flaw (Magic Dependency, see below)
Magical Qualities: Personal Power, Lesser Power, Minor Virtue (Second Sight), Improved Abilitiesx2
Personality Traits: Dog* +3, Loyal* +3, Reckless +3, Brave +2, Friendly +3
Vis: Anna's hide can be rendered into 1 pawn of Animal Vis. You monster.
Appearance: Anna is a spaniel with light brown fur. She looks like an exceptionally healthy and vibrant specimen, but is otherwise not obviously magical.
Combat Stats
Bite: Init +3, Atk +7, Def +8, Dam -2
Bite, when transformed: Init +1, Atk + 9, Def + 6, Dam +4
Soak: +3 (+4 when transformed)
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0/0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-3), -3 (4-6), -5 (7-9), Incapacitated (10-12), Dead (13+)
Natural Weapons: A dog's bite is Init +0, Atk +3, Def +1, Dam +1
Athletics 3 (distance running), Awareness 3 (alertness), Catalan 2 (commands), Brawl 3 (bite), Hunt 4 (tracking by scent), Second Sight 4 (Faeries), Occitan 2 (commands), Survival 1 (mountains)
Surpassing Hound of War, 1 point, Init +1, Animal
R: Per, D: Diam, T: Ind
When she uses this power, Anna transforms into a large hound, increasing her Size by 2 (which increases her Strength by 4 and the range for each wound level by two, and decreases her Quickness by 2), her teeth grow longer and sharper (increasing her Atk and Dam by 2), and her fur grows thicker (increasing her Soak by 1). When she is like this, she is obviously an awe inspiring magical dog.
MuAn 20 (Base 15, +1 Diameter) and 5 levels spent to reduce Might cost by 1.
Lick the Wounds of the Master, 5 points, Init -7, Corpus or Animal
R: Touch, D: Moon, T: Ind
The saliva of Dogs of Virtue often has healing powers. By licking the wounds, or sores, or whatever, of another, Anna can grant a +12 to Recovery rolls.
CrCo or CrAn 25 (Base 5, +1 Touch, +3 Moon)
Since we're not using RoP:M, here's the important stuff:
1) Anna is about as intelligent as an adolescent human, but cannot speak and can only understand a smattering of human languages. Laia and her can communicate just fine, though, thanks to Animal Ken
2) Anna needs to eat, drink and sleep, but does not age. On the flip side, she cannot gain experience points. Extended time exposed to magic might lead to new abilities, but that is largely GM's discretion.
3) Magic Dependency is a custom Flaw I made up (though it is based on a major flaw from RoP:M) that works like so:
Magic Dependency
Minor, Supernatural
You require a certain amount of magic to survive. You can get what you need by living in a magic aura, having spells or magic powers used on you, or by consuming vis. If you want precise details, I can easily rig them up, but roughly: Anna needs to spend 1/4 of her time (i.e. a Season a Year, but it can be spread out) in a magic aura of at least 1 (Would be higher if her Magic Might was higher), or have spells of any magnitude cast on her about once a week, or consume 2 pawns of Animal vis a year, or some combination of the above. I figure specifics are not necessary because this is meant to be an easy goal to meet, being largely an impetus to get involved with magi and magical stuff.
Anna is entirely unaffected to the Gift, which also helps Laia get along better with magi then she otherwise might (Anna likes magi, and you can't help liking people your dog likes, just a little)
Also, as a magical dog, Anna gets a number of bonuses. For instance, she has an extra Fatigue level, and an innate +3 to Fatigue rolls, hearing, and smell. These bonuses have nothing to do with being magical, and everything to do with being a dog.