Audrey, Symeon's daughter. (Dependent)
Carolina Redeye, Faith's ward and cousin. (Dependent)
Jori, Flore's son, Symeon's stepson (dependent)
Flore, Covenant Autocrat, Symeon's wife and Audrey's stepmother. (Autocrat)
Felise, A beguine, hired by Symeon to tutor Audrey. (Specialist)
Guillem An aged scribe from the Cotes-du-Vent covenant. (Specialist)
Bob, A builder employed by the covenant. (Craftsman)
Arnau, A local boy from Codalet, hired as a scout. (Grog)
Bjorn Bjornson, A warrior and shield grog from the far north. (Grog)
Mario, A shield grog from northern Italy, sent with Faith by Lindy.
Matthew, A member of Brienne's mercenary company, good with a spear. (Grog)
Obano, a warrior born to the life of a grog, from an Iberian covenant to the south.
Rachel, a runaway Jewess from Beziers, and hunter. (Grog)