Precia of Torino

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Game: ArsMagicalGirl

Precia of Torino, Ex Miscellanea

Faith knows that Precia is Ex Miscellanea, was Bonisagus, and says she found House Bonisagus too confining. Faith feels that explanation is lacking something, but was not one to question her Mater.

Precia is a synthesist of the first order, who seeks out ideas from a wide range of sources, but her Great Quest is Adamic immortality from age and Warping -- and *without* giving up her essential human nature. She knows more than she should of the various immortalist Mysteries of the Order, but views them all as demanding too much sacrifice of one's ability to learn and gorw.

Ironically her extreme experiments may have left her less likely to achieve her goal herself, so Faith was both a source of faerie blood for infusions, and a shot at second-hand immortality: if Precia can't live forever, perhaps she could make a filia who would.

Not being one to focus on a single thing at once, she also experimented with the training theories of other houses, especially House Tytalus. Tytalan training is abusive even by medieval standards, though meant to build up the apprentice's confidence; here, it failed. Precia wonders if she failed, or if House Tytalus really simply breaks anyone not already iron-willed.

She also tried the Tremere method of long term control... perhaps a poor idea to combine with the opposed Tytalan philosophy. It probably would have worked on Faith, but for a Quaesitor's intervention, and Faith is now a hundred leagues to the west, sigil in hand.

Her specialties include Creo, Corpus, Vim, and Mentem, the arts one would pursue to presrve body, mind, and soul, but she is good at many Arts. She has a minor magical focus in aging; if she can avoid Twilight, she'll be around for quite a while.

She has a familiar, strong in the gold and bronze cords.

Opinion on others:
Faith: "You owe me, girl. I gave you everything."
Lindy Verdi: "You stole my apprentice."
House Bonisagus: "Like I'll share my secrets with those small-minded fools!"

Opinions from others:
Faith: *hides behind her hair*
Lindy: "A brilliant mind, but a horrible person. Probably quite mad."

Possible Virtues/Flaws, not balanced:

Great Int x2
Puissant Magic Theory (Creo)
Puissant Parma Magica 
Cautious Sorcerer
Minor Focus: aging
Secondary Insight

Painful Magic
Deficient Technique, Muto: Precia calls Muto the lying Art, and says she's
 interested only in permanent changes.