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Fate Points: 2

Refresh Rate: 3

Stress: O (1) O (2) O (3)

Consequences: Mild (2) Moderate (4) Severe (6)


High Concept: Cybered Elven Exorcist

Trouble: Style Over Substance

Aspect: Gold-Plated Smartgun

Aspect: Six Demon Bag

Aspect: Indomitable Will


Good (+3): Flashy

Fair (+2): Careful, Forceful

Average (+1): Quick, Sneaky

Mediocre (+0): Clever


A Man of Wealth and Taste: Because I exude style, I get +2 to Flashily Overcome obstacles when I use my presence to influence people.

Elven Reflexes: Because I'm a nimble dandelion eater, I get +2 to Quickly Defend against attacks when I have room to maneuver or cover to jump behind.

Professional Exorcist: Because I know some magical sigils, I get +2 to Carefully Create an Advantage when creating ward or traps for spiritual entities.

Invokes and Compels

Cybered Elven Exorcist

Permissions - the cybered part means he has the sort of standard headware package: eyes w/ video and night vision, implant net/phone/radio gear, chipjack. So the ability to communicate and gain net access where such things make sense, record and store data. The exorcist part means he has a minor magical talent. He can sense spirits audibly and their presence (but not see, because cyber-eyes), and engage them in contests of will to banish/abjure them and to a much lesser extent bind them. Spirits in this case being whatever the GM decides that means in this place. The bindings especially are tenuous, but given time and effort he can permanently bind spirits to his will (see Six Demon Bag).

Positive Invokes - to perceive due to cyber-optics, to jack in due to net access, to sense, banish or bind spirits

Negative Invokes - head got hacked, racial prejudice, unsettled by spiritual presence, magic interfering with tech

Style Over Substance

Positive Invokes - spotting fashion trends, cleaning things

Negative Invokes - He's all about appearances. He's not especially vain, but presenting an attractive, polished front is important to him in himself and others. He has less respect for the sloppy. He tends to over value the rich, stylish and well-dressed. He is also, therefor fairly greedy/money oriented.

Gold-Plated Smartgun

Permissions - He has a snazzy gun to shoot people with. It also generically refers to the fact that he is impeccably dressed with flashy clothes and jewelry.

Positive Invokes - shooting people, impressing people with his fancy stuff

Negative Invokes - he stands out in a crowd, he is probably unwilling to wade through mud in $1200 shoes

Six Demon Bag

Permissions - This aspect represents his bag, which holds a variety of minor bound spirits. Also, I just wanted a Six Demon Bag.

Positive Invokes - to produce minor bound spirits

Negative Invokes - very distinctive, might have exactly the right item to perform the worst possible action, "Did anyone hear glass breaking? Oh crap!"

Indomitable Will

Positive Invokes - contending with spirits in a contests of wills, resisting torture, resisting forceful mental or social forces, enduring hardship

Negative Invokes - refusing to give in even when it's the sensible course, stubbornness