The Basic Rules (v1.1)
Whenever the rules ask you to roll dice in Tales from the Torn Earth, you will roll regular six-sided dice (often abbreviated as "d6"s). One die must be different from all the others... this is called the Paragon die and is only used when the heroes need to make Skill Tests (most rolls in the game are skill tests). The remainder of the dice are either called Skill Dice (when making a skill test) or Effect Dice (when making an Effect Test). Each player needs only one Paragon die and up to five plain dice.
Skill Tests
Most every time your hero undertakes a dangerous or uncertain action, the GM will ask you to make a skill test. There are sixteen different skills and each skill can have up to three specializations (special categories of actions that give you bonuses). Skills are ranked from 0 to 5 and specializations can give a +1 to +5 bonus to the total.
To make a skill test, roll a number of skill dice equal to your rating in the skill and select one die to be your final result. Many times the GM will tell you what skill to test, other times you will choose to take an action and announce the skill yourself.
After you've selected your skill die, roll the Paragon die. Add the two dice together and add any bonus from a specialization to that total. You might have other bonuses or penalties to add, based on the circumstances. The final result is compared to a Target number, which is abbreviated as Tnumber -- for example T8 means your final total needs to 8 or higher in order to succeed. A test of moderate difficulty will often be T8, a challenging test might be T10 and a very difficult test might be T12. See below for some ways to add bonuses to the result so that your hero can succeed at these higher target numbers.
If you roll a
Effect Tests