The World Tree/Trinity Islands/Isle of Dread

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The Isle of Dread is one of the three primary islands of the Trinity Islands, giving refuge to the bandits and smugglers that reside there. The Isle of Dread contains an entire miniature empire, profitizing in the sale of illegal or villainous items and services while allowing a loosely controlled community of freedom.


The Isle of Dread has come a long way since the Time of Chaos, establishing its own government system with laws, order, and assistance and protection of its citizens, although they may not be at the same level as the surrounding greater powers.


Throughout the entire island, a simple code is used to keep all of the citizens, organizations, and political members in check. The code is the premise of each guild or group's tenants, adding minor additions to accomodate their beliefs and ideals. The code states:

  • Pay dues and taxes to the island and your membership (10 gp per year).
  • Keep membership information secret.
  • Never steal from, perform magic, or trespass in off limit zones.
  • Theft, fraud, hits, trespassing, and burning are only permited in your specified zone.
  • Never question your king.
  • (Unspoken Rule) Get away with stealing everything and make sure they know it.

The Isle of Dread's use of zoning has allowed for the criminal nature of the city to thrive without causing it to become unstable. Citizens are designated with a symbol of their zone, indicating their rights and protection for questionable activity. Those who do not have a symbol are labeled as visitors and have no right to such activity until after being marked. This has allowed the city to thrive off of a different dynamic, flipping the balance of trade and profit into a world of protection and thievery. The central government of the island has a heavy presence of guards, whisking away any obvious codebreaker.

Taxes are paid yearly by the eve of midsummer, with all citizens who have not been placed into the leger are instantly placed into contempt. The fee is small, but required, which is used to build other dwellings, bribe greater power officials, and pay personel of the government (with the king being paid rather handsomely). Punishments for this range from hefty fines to severe imprisonment.

Membership to a guild or organization intrusts a vast amount of information to those within, which must be kept secret from the common knowledge. This belief allows the organizations to reduce chaotic wars and confusion, which has been written into the code. This information is largely enforced with incriminating documents or objects, with verbal breaches depend largely on the amount of gold used to bribe a guard or judge. Punishments usually resolve with monetary compensation or death, depending on the severity of the information released.

Off limit zones are usually placed around government buildings or dangerous locations but have been sanctioned over locations with questionable motives. Zones are created by the king and in place for 1 year, where they are either renewed before expiration or discarded by negligence. Punishment for being found within or tampering with off limit zones result in imprisonment or exhile.

Any questionable act (labeled as theft, fraud, hits, trespassing, and burning) that are not within a citizen's zone are forbidden. All visitors are therfore forbidden to partake in any questionable act unless it is in retribution to a proven questionable act against them. Punishments depend on the crime, from a small fine to exhile or death.

Perhaps the most suspicious of the code, citizens are required to follow a king's order without question or defiance. This has allowed for a large amount of corruption and ethicality to be implemented into the island depending on the king at the time. This crime is only punishable if proven in front of a high council, created from the leaders of guilds and memberships within the separate zones. Once proven, guilty party is subjected to exhile and removal of criminal partt (ex: tongue of a liar, fingers of a thief, eyes of a forgery, etc.) This is forgoed if majority rules as "too cruel".

The zoning of the Island of Dread has caused an honor system among thieves, feeding the individual needs of its citizens while avoiding wrongful harm to others. Thieves with no criminal records and have enough "cred" can transfer to other zones, but this can only be done with an appropriate council member signature, cred level, and proof of criminal actions for the required zone change. The easiest way to do this is accept tasks from a guild or organization, due to their legality with the code and marks belonging outside of the island or on visitors. Proof is easily reported to officials through the organization and allows for individuals to ascend through the separate zones. However, if reviewed by a high council, proof can be reported outside of guild affiliation as long as a.) the crime in question did not break the laws of the islands juristiction and b.) was not committed against a citizen of the island, regardless of location. Cred scores can only be viewed under heavy surveillance with a representative. Any attempts to forge, steal, or change the leger in anyway is met with immediate execution.


With the code in place order is kept at a higher level than camps and hideouts of typical bandits and thieves, even surpassing some of the villages in the surrounding powers, but is not by any means organized or balanced. The zones each have their own dynamics, ranging from the civil customs found in other cities to sever anarchy and debauchery and to ironfisted justice and order.

Each zone also accounts for its individual guard staff, only certified, employed, and citizen of the zone they belong to. Although the common passerby to a crime will simply ignore, guards are trained to keep closer watch of actions and are instructed to interfere only if there is proof of questionable acts. Many of the guards, however, have been hired or volunteered for their skill in noticing such acts due to their criminally experienced backgrounds or "eye for the trade". This means guards are more likely to also abuse such a power due to their backgrounds and alignments and that justice is held in the individual, rather than a unifying command. Many of the guards, regardless of zone, will accept a bribe to turn the other way or side with them. This act is not considered unlawful unless it is obvious involvement with an off limit or unresiding zone (with some still who would accept such a bribe, so long as they are not tied to their actions).

What this means for citizens is an interesting dynamic of order, keeping and saving a fair amount of "bribe money" in case a citizen is wrongly accused and needs to out bribe the perpatrator. Traveling light is a necessity and must include an easily reachable blade of some sort. Those who walk without arms is either very brave or very foolish. Many citizens are also of a shady disposition, which allows for brawls, duels, verbal abuse, and conning to be a part of the normal day to day. Those who hide their colors, however, are immediately taken in for questioning and authentication. In short, the Isle of Dread is a dangerous place and, although stable, is a town of treachery and chaos.

Assistance and Protection

The common action of citizens of the island is to either buy a way into the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX zone or join one of the guilds or organizations that allows for protection.

As stated before, guards run the gambit of ideas and virtues, leaving the safety of its people to only be completely trusted within their hands. Those with the money to do so will pay insurmantible sums to the king or XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX organization in order to keep them from the dangerous lower zones. These zones do not guarantee safety, however, and if the coin allows for it, a citizen of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX zone will higher a private guard (often times a bribed city guard) to act in its stead or will hire a master of magic to transcribe powerful runes or arcane traps to keep the riff-raff out. Either way, it is important for the citizens to display this protection to others as a warning, often times fully displaying a firebolt rune or hired muscle.

For the lower levels, this is not a viable option. Once in a while, a citizen will afford to purchase a dwelling in XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX zone only to be ransacked of their belongings after moving in due to the outrageous prices of protection. Citizens of the lower levels are left with two options: fend for themselves or join a guild. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx guild and XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX guild run as the greater powers of this city, acting more as political parties than true guilds. Their profits rise from their membership fees and for their services of protection. Although they claim other virtures, these guilds are largely propoganda, with each hoping to spring at the chance to take the king's throne, should the opportunity arise.



Cutter's Row

Cutter's Row (also known as Paradise) is the area surrounding the entrance to the settlement, holding the largest amount of immigrants, visitors, and traders of the islands inhabitants. This part of the island also holds the largest amount of questionable activity for all guilds and cutpurses alike. This zone is also the only zone that does not require a zoning symbol and also allows for all other zones to practice questionable acts freely.

Primarily, this area of the island is an open ground for guilds and families to prove their worth and gain an easy income from the visitors and "new blood" of the island.

The Shambles

Low Zone

Silent Street

Also known as the "quietest street on the island", Silent Street is where the guilds are located, spanning from Cutter's Row to The Score and dividing the Shambles from Providence.

The Three Crows

Class Levels:Initiates, Elite, Elder
Class Assignment: By Cred and by Skill
Ruled by Elder, actions executed by Elite

  • Conflicts: Between Traditionals and New Waves
  • Taboos: Associating with Guild #2
  • Visuals:Hand Sign/Tattoo
  • Verbals: "Go with shadows"


  • Reserved from outsiders, especially when a job needs to be done.
  • Realistic outlooks on life. Probabilities is what the organization depends on.
  • Reserved conversation about the guild, a city of criminals requires distance.
  • A raven on the door frame warns of danger, a job can be done another day.
  • Cred determines skill, not the bravery or intelligence of others.


  • Judgement is done by an Elder. Truth serums are used only if it is uncertain of guilt.
  • Justice is determined by the breaking of the code. Lowering of cred, banishment, or exhile are common practices.
  • Weapons are allowed as long as they are sheathed. Unsheathing a sword is a sign of disrespect or ill intentions.
  • Never inform other's of the guilds actions, exhile or banishment are the only options of retribution.
  • Lying to your fellow guild member's is never acceptable.
  • Sabotage is unacceptable, no matter the gain for your self.
  • Only steal from those who can afford to be stolen from.
  • Your payment to this guild is a percentage of what you take.
  • Never do a job alone. Always have at least one person know of your actions.

Major Export: Theft and smuggling
Guild seeks to have total control of questionable act in Cutter's Row to increase revenue and cred.
Architecture: Abandoned or darkened buildings.

The Whispermen

Class Levels: Boss, Inner Circle, Specialties, Initiates Class Assignment: By blood and/or skill Ruled by Boss, with each class ruling over the step below Culture

  • Conflicts: Between Blood and Skill
  • Taboos: Associating with any competing guild or slacking
  • Visuals: Weapons and style of clothing
  • Verbals: "Blood before death."

-Friendly to outsiders, so long as they mind their business. -Conquering profits. They have a unique way of being warm and cold at the same time. -They trust in those of the family and if given the chance will talk for long periods of time. -Always clean your sword after sunset. -The family is our only survivng hope. We must work together or not at all. Law -Judgement is done by the boss. Know questions asked, no matter how biased. -Blood for blood. Favors for favors.

  • Never inform on the family.
  • The family before all things.
  • Always ask the top.

-Does not apply to boss. -Visibly equipped weapons within family houses are considered disrespectful.
-Major Export: Burglary, smuggling, and protection.
-Guild seeks to have total control of questionable act in Cutter's Row to increase revenue and cred. The family wishes to overtake the island.
-Architecture: A show of muscle and money (only if it is not a secret).

The Embers

-Class Levels: Worker, Elite
-Class Assignment: By Merit for workers, consensus among Elite for Elite class
-Ruled by boss in secret, forcing the Elite to act in its stead

  • Conflicts: Between elite and workers
  • Taboos: Entering Elite's quarters without permission, asking questions.
  • Visuals: Weapons-Mauls
  • Verbals: "May the embers never smolder/May the fire test you."

-Hidden from outsiders, will only speak to those who are interested in the embers, and that is very distanced.
-Ruthless killers. Nothing stands between the orders and themselves.
-Business is business. All other talk is not necessary.
-Sleeping near water brings certain doom.
-I must do what I am told. I am a servant of an inferno, not a master of candlelight.
-A psychic determines guilty or innocence.
-Correctional action, through the use of brainwashing or .

  • The fire must feed, bring fuel for the inferno.
  • The fire must spread, bring kindling into the fold.
  • The fire must burn, never question the heat of the fire.

-Also applies to elite, but not boss.
-Absolutely no weapons in temples or known offices/residences of elite.
-Major Export: Burglary, theft, and contract killing.
-Guild seeks to accrude as much wealth as possible while bringing new members into the fold. The larger the fire, the brighter it burns.
-Architecture: Commonplaces include temples with altars and torches of fire that burn nonstop. For undercover acts, sources of previous arson or buildings with a chimney are prime choices.

The Ring of Serpents

-Class Levels: Tribesman, Elder
-Class Assignment: By service to a religion or length of time in practice
-Ruled by true democracy

  • Conflicts: Between religious and non-religious
  • Taboos: Interacting with non-citizens of the island, wearing bright or flashy clothing
  • Visuals: Brand on right forearm
  • Verbals: "Praise be to Gagaur/Nazuma", "Swift blades|Swift Vengeance"

-Although not kind, strangers are tolerated should they be interested in the guild (as long as they keep to themselves). Not tolerant to behavior that is against their law.
-Relaxed and prepared. Should feel deadened to feeling.
-Talking is necessary for information and to keep warning signs from being raised.
-Blood red day breaks a mourning cry. Blood moon rising brings contract danger.
-I am in charge of my work. To share with others is to bring weakness.
Law -Zones of Truth judges guilt.
-Those who break the law can not be trusted among us or the island (incarceration).

  • Keep contracted business between the elder and you.
  • Never accept a contract on a member.
  • Be discrete, hold their honor, only complete the contract.
  • Never accept a contract from anyone other than the elder.
  • Never divulge personal life to other members.
  • An innocent now may be a contractor tomorrow. Never kill other than the contract.
  • If given the opportunity, leave the guilds mark with the target.

-Applies to everyone
-Must disarm before entry.
-Major Export: Contract killing, bounty hunting.
-Guild seeks to continuously improve the quality of service, through upgraded weapons and schools of magic.
-Architecture: Buildings with statues to Gagaur or Nazuma or green paint or dye smeared over the doorway.

Crimson Cards

-Class Levels: No Class
-Class Assignment: By initiation (called the trial)
-Ruled by anarchy

  • Conflicts: Old and young, the coming draw.
  • Taboos: Refusing to offer help to those of the guild who ask.
  • Visuals: Usually covered in piercings or tattoos, especially on the face. Newer members have less.
  • Verbals: Card-person. Draw-new mission. Deal-Guild. Hand-inventory. Shuffle-New dealings of power cards. Euryale-Initiate. Dealer-employer. Bid-Job.

-Kind to those within the guild, distanced from outsiders. They don't understand what they stand for.
-Fatalistic, but optimistic. Death can come from a single card, so life is short, but real.
-Reserved outside of the guild walls. Chatty as a tavern within.
-The deck knows who is drawing and will pass judgement over your actions. If you try to draw in secret, it will curse you.
-I owe it to the cards of the deal, no matter the hand from the shuffle.
Law -The cards deals judgement and justice.
-Refusal to draw will result in gladiatorial battle at the Score.
-*Accept any dealer's draw. -*If I don't like the hand, I will call for a shuffle. The majority must agree. -*A shuffle happens yearly to keep us sharp. -*Trading a card is acceptable, as long as its mutual. -Applies to everyone
-Weapons are ok.
-Major Export: Contract killing, mercenary work, repossessing, protection.
-Individuals of the guild usually seek a moon card to fulfill their desires. Some have other intentions. The guild seeks to make money and run the Whispermen out of business.
-Architecture: Torches on poles are often seen outside of the guild. Some sort of threat to keep outsiders away are usually used as well.

The Unnamed

-Class Levels: Receptionist|Diplomat/Keepers|Gatherers/Couriers|Infiltration/Simple Forgers|Advanced Forgers/Stage Crew|Organizers/Enforcers|Leaders
-Class Assignment: Merit and Seniority determines separate divisions
-Ruled by Service Democracy

  • Conflicts: Magic and Skill, Management and Labor.
  • Taboos: Class interaction. The guild is a well oiled machine, not a social party.
  • Visuals: Usually wearing goggles or a simple spinning finger gesture.
  • Verbals: Depends on class. Usually overly cautious and speaking in code or paranoia.

-Irritable with outsiders and strangers until credit is developed within the guild.
-Cautious and paranoid. Nothing is as it seems.
-Not chatty or engaging...unless its about current work.
-A dark figure watching is potentially onto your behavior. Better safe than sorry.
-We work as a group, but if I make a mistake, I can ruin all of our work.
Law -Know your target, know your employer. No Exceptions.
-Information is everything. Get good info, spread bad info.
-Own the island at all costs. Owning the island makes for big kids on the playground.
-To protect yourself, steal the secrets of your enemies.
-Stay current, stay trained, stay focused.
-There are no new ideas. Make the old ones better.
-Its what you know about who you know.

  • Never share your guild name with outsiders and never share your name with anyone.
  • Those who purposefully sabotage, hinder, or otherwise prohibit another guild member from their job or personal life will be fined excessively to the extent of the damages endured.
  • Never side against the guild.
  • Those who are caught are placed in probation or must pay a fine of 500 gp.
  • Profiting or signing forged work in a way to indicate your guild, guild name, or real name, is punishable up to 1,000 gp.
  • Sharing information with any member of the island's authorities or by any extension or affiliation of such people is automatically disbanded from the guild.
  • Gaining any credibility or reputation as an individual will subject to changing of guild name to avoid suspicion. Those who continue to use previous names or items relating to previous names will be sentenced to probation and fined 200 gp.
  • If a members mistake causes another to lose significantly (be it wealth, reputation, hardship, or other such issue), the member responsible must pay for the expense (refer to loss table)
  • No receiving payment until after the employer has paid the guild.

The law applies to everyone. Those who take part of the "bonus" program gains added percentage bonus to paychecks (refer to profit bonuses).
Weapons are permissible if sheathed.

Loss table
Financial Loss

of < 30 gp = 30 gp
over 30 gp = Monetary loss
over 2000 gp = +10%

Reputation Loss:

Single, Independent Employer:
with Cutter's Row = -10%
with The Shambles = +3%
with Silent Street = +7%
with Providence = +12%
with the Eagle's Nest = +20%
Single, Dependent Employer:
with Cutter's Row = +0%
with The Shambles = +0%
with Silent Street = +10%
with Providence = +20%
with the Eagle's Nest = +30%
Guild, Family, or other Dependent Employer:
with Cutter's Row = +5%
with The Shambles = +7%
with Silent Street = +17%
with Providence = +25%
with the Eagle's Nest = +40%

Jail Time:

1-30 days = 20 gp
1-3 months = 50 gp
4-6 months = 95 gp
7-11 months = 150 gp
1-3 years = 300 gp
5+ years = 800 gp
Lifetime/Exhile = Banishment

Loss Equation: (Financial Loss + Reputation Percentage) + Jail Time = Total

Profit Bonuses

New Recruit = 10 gp
Jew Job =
with Cutter's Row = 3 gp
with The Shambles = 5 gp
with Silent Street = 10 gp
with Providence = 20 gp
with the Eagle's Nest = 75 gp
Displayed forgery = 15 gp
Successful Job Completion = 10% of income

-Major Export: Forgery, fencing, and occasional sabotage.
-The guild seeks to keep its secrets, hoping to establish some of its members into the kingdoms, securing a foothold.
-Architecture: Large warehouses or large abandoned buildings. The entrance is almost always an illusion or fake.


Upper Zone

Eagle's Nest

Royal Zone

Points of Interest

Prison Tower

The Score

The Score, also know as The Pit and Feuder's End, is where any person on the island may challenge another of their same zone to a duel or brawl. The Score is managed by the Overseer, who is usually a member of the Eagle's Nest. Those who wish to enter must claim the boundaries and rules of the encounter. The challenger is then informed and sets a day and time to begin within a week.

These duels rarely end with blood, used primarily as a gambling circuit for tavern brawlers. However, there have been many a guild challenge another for claim of an area or job.


The Gates and Outer Walls
