Jimbo Leafcutter
A character in the Morgansfort campaign.
- Halfling Thief Level 1
- XP: 0/1250
- STR 9
- INT 8 (-1)
- WIS 8 (-1)
- DEX 15 (+1)
- CON 15 (+1)
- CHA 11
- Common
- Halfling
Racial Abilities
- +1 with ranged
- +2 to AC vs. larger than man-sized
- 10% chance to be detected hiding outdoors
- 30% chance indoors
- +4 to saving throws except Dragon Breath, +3 to Dragon Breath
Class Abilities
- Open Locks: 25
- Remove Traps: 20
- Pick Pockets: 30
- Move Silently: 25
- Climb Walls: 80
- Hide: 10 (but uses Halfling )
- Listen: 30
- HP: 3/3
- AC: 14
- Short Sword +0, 1d6 Damage
- Dagger +0, 1d4 damage
- Sling +2, 1d4 Damage. Short/Medium/Long: 30/60/90.
- Init: +2
- Move: 30'
- Saving Throws:
- Death/Poison 13
- Wands 14
- Paralysis/Stone 13
- Dragon Breath 16
- Spells 15
- Equipment: (33 lbs)/(40)
- Armor: Leather
- Weapons: Short sword, dagger, sling with bullets
- Gear: Backpack, Belt Pouch, Cloak, Clothes, 50' of rope, Waterskin, Thieves' picks and tools, Rations dry, Torches, 6
- Miscellaneous Magic:
- Treasure: