The beggining

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Version 2:

Ake: (high pitched voice) "STIIIIRGEEEE!"

Smečkasti brkati dječak vas zbudi deračinom. Al zato vam je njegov stari, Batbayar i poklonio prijevoz, safety in numbers. Zima nije još kak spada završila pa ste se nadali da bar sa stirgama nećete imat posla. Al eto, izgleda da se jedan roj nije kak spada pripremil za zimu pa su gladni i rano se zbudili iz hibernacije.

Slika splava

Splav tipa ovaj samo što je prekriven kožom, prednji neotkriveni dio je duži, i umjesto stolovima, popunjen je bačvama, kutijama i hrpama koži. Vreče slame pobacane gdje god ste našli mjesto za njih. Mali brkati Ake skače s noge na nogu dok Batbayar i dalje strpljivo navigira rijekom, kao što je radio zadnja 3 sata svoje smjene. Stirge su gadna gamad, ali trenutak prepuštanja struji može znaćiti gubitak svog tereta i života u brzoj rijeci Xapuri.



Još je rano u godini za putovanje po Xapuri. Prvi val otopljenog snijega je debelo ubrzao rijekuShaemai, ali Batbayar je omjerio rizik. Opasnije vode, ali manje šanse za bandite i zvijeri, te će moć izabrat najbolje mjesto za izložit svoja krzna. A možda i naleti i koja rana ptica poput njega i kupi nešto priej samog festivala.

A misty morning, like the last one, and the one before. Spring came only a week ago and the cold still stubbornly holds on to your bones. But the mountains of Klutz are melting. Your Goola host was right, the Geama river grew wide enough for your barge to pass. His name is Batbayar Quick and he is the Sire of his small family. You sailed with him from Darkhan three days ago, which is pretty early in the year to dare the violent spring current.

"The early stirge drinks the most blood."

Batbayar is fond of saying. At this moment Else Quick is scanning the skies for just such vermin. It is cold still but one can never be too careful. Else is seventeen and, as all Goola women, capable. Not only is she a proficient cook, but also takes her turn at steering the barge, as her brother is now doing. Ake Quick is fourteen and already has a mustache almost as thick as his father's. He guides the pregnant barge carefully down the river, towards Mal'rock, where each spring hundreds of winter-worn people flock to trade and enjoy the week long Ju-Ju fest.

It's the fourth morning of travel and, beside a few rotting jetties, all signs of civilization are gone. Batbayar puts the spyglass back in it's case and, as is his custom, fills the chill air with stories of his travels past.

Batbayar: "Princess, did I ever tell you of Mal'rock? All garos'thuja are a sight to see, but Mal'rock...

Else: "Yes Sire, you told me of Mal'rock many times. I shall see it in a few days my self so no sense in wasting wind."

Batbayar: "You might be right princess but..."

Else: "I asked you star-many times to stop calling me that, Sire."

Batbayar: "sigh Well, I'm sure Ake would like to hear more of Mal'rock."

Ake: "Whole winter we listened about all the places we are going to see, Sire. There are no surprises left I fear. "

Batbayar, acting offended: "Well if no one wants to hear my story I better keep quiet or I'll have a mutiny on my hands. It's my turn to steer anyway, pass me the pole Ake."

If anyone asks Godfre to tell them more of Mal'rock he will gladly tell them of one of these things:

Batbayar on Jabu:

"I'll tell you of one funny character. Jabu is a native Gnome, and one of the first ones to accept the concept of trade. But a few things he still does not understand. He's an innkeeper and brewer. Makes the finest drink I ever tried in all my travels. But, he can't get rid of the habit of him self chosing what his customers drink. I admit, he knows how to pick ones drink, but still, the one with the silver is the one who chooses! Silly gnome. But he knows his spirits. They are his art! And what an assortment he has. Whatever I could think of, he had it, and of a quality and taste rarely matched. And listen to this, all of the alcohol he has, he makes him self. Ale, cyder, Dandelion wine, Araq... I guess he did some traveling of his own when he was younger. But as most gnomes, he's not one to talk about him self so I never found out where he learned to make all of these liquers."

Batbayar on [[]]

The muddy princess

The barge is named The muddy princess. It is filled with salt, spice, iron, fruit, and other goods. The crew sleeps inside, among the cargo, but most of prefer to spend the days outside. The fresh air alone is worth the cold, not to mention the breathtaking views of mountains to the west and forests to the east.

Random encounters

Orc ambush, Geama