Deryk the Strong Willed
Deryk the Strong Willed
A character in the Morgansfort campaign.
- Human Cleric
- XP: 0/1500
- STR 10
- INT 11
- WIS 16 (+2)
- DEX 10
- CON 7 (-1)
- CHA 9
- Common
Racial Abilities
- 10% XP Bonus
Class Abilities
- Turn Undead
- At 2nd Level, Spells
- HP: 4/4
- AC: 14
- AB: +1
- Move: 30'
- Saving Throws:
- Death/Poison: 11 (12 poison)
- Wands: 12
- Paralysis/Stone: 14
- Dragon Breath: 16
- Spells: 15 (13 charm)
- Equipment: 53/60 light, 150 heavy
- Armor: Leather and shield (20)
- Weapons: Mace +0, 1d8 (10)
- Gear: Large Sack, Common Outfit (1), Holy Symbol, 1 week Dry Rations(14), Flint and Steel (1), 6 Torches(1), 3 Water Skins(6)
- Miscellaneous Magic:
- Treasure:
- First Level. 0 per day.
Deryk has always been a straight forward, intuitive sort of fellow. He is fascinated with magic and defenses against spells of evil. With purpose, he heads out to continue his research into the undoing of the black arts.