Mr The Geoff's character in LetsBuild5e.
Full Name (Orcish): Rulnzakad Banad Zagharkad
Full Name (Old Imperial): Zaggartir Kumötib
Nicknames (Orcish, familiar): Tobanad, Tolrulnzakad
Nickname (Orcish, derogatory): Hobamtyad
Race: Half Orc (size Medium)
Class/Level: Bard 3
Alignment: Neutral Good (by Orc standards of good/evil morality)
Experience: 900 (need 2,700)
Quick Reference Numbers
Proficiency: +2
Passive Perception: 10
Initiative: +2
AC: 16
Spell Save DC: 12
Inspiration: 1
- STR 16 (+3/+3)
- DEX 14 (+2/+4)
- CON 14 (+2/+2)
- INT 9 (-1/-1)
- WIS 8 (-1/-1)
- CHA 14 (+2/+4)
- Acrobatics (DEX) +4
- Animal Handling (WIS) +0
- Arcana (INT) +0
- Athletics (STR) +4
- Deception (CHA) +3
- History (INT) +3 (double proficiency bonus)
- Insight (WIS) +0
- Intimidation (CHA) +6 (double proficiency bonus)
- Investigation(INT) +0
- Medicine (WIS) +0
- Nature (INT) +0
- Perception (WIS) +0
- Performance (CHA) +4
- Persuasion (CHA) +4
- Religion (INT) +1
- Sleight of Hand (DEX) +3
- Stealth (DEX) +3
- Survival (WIS) +0
Tool Proficiencies
- Disguise Kit
- Drum
- Horn
- Flute
- Lyre
- Old Imperial
- Orcish
- Wáyéhì
- Opportunity Attack
Bonus Actions:
- Bardic Inspiration
- Combat Inspiration
(2/long rest)
Permanent Max HP: 26
Temporary Max HP: 26
Current HP: 26
Hit Dice:
- 3(d8+2) used 0
- DEX +2
- Longsword (+5 to hit, 1d8+3 slashing, versatile 1d10)
- Savage attacks: on critical roll one extra damage die
- Dagger (+5 to hit, 1d4+3 piercing, thrown range 20/60)
- Vicious Mockery (60' range, +4 to hit, on failed wis save deals 1d4 damage + 1 round disadvantage on attack rolls)
- Iron Breastplate 14
- DEX +2
- all Light & Medium armour
- all Simple & Martial weapons
- Run: 30' (encumbered 20')
- Darkvision 60'
- Instrumentalist
- Storyteller
By Popular Demand You can always find a place to perform, usually in an inn or tavern but possibly with a circus, at a theatre, or even in a noble's court. At such a place, you receive free lodging and food of a modest or comfortable standard (depending on the quality of the establishment), as long as you perform each night. In addition, your performance makes you something of a local figure. When strangers recognise you in a town where you have performed, they typically take a liking to you.
Trait: I love a good insult, even one directed at me (I won't leave the insult unanswered though, I'll just respond with a better one).
Ideal: Tradition (the stories, legends & songs of the past must never be forgotten, for they teach us who we are).
Bond: I idolise a hero of the old tales & measure my deeds against that person's.
Flaw: Naive & Idealistic almost to the point of gullibility.
Class Features
- Spellcasting
- Bardic Inspiration (d6) (2/long rest)
- Jack of All Trades (1/2 proficiency bonus on untrained skills)
- Song of Rest (d6)
- Bardic College - College of Valour
- Expertise (History, Intimidation)
- Ritual Casting
- Casting Focus (Musical Instrument)
- combat Inspiration
- Mending
- Vicious Mockery
1st Level
- Cure Wounds
- Detect Magic (ritual)
- Feather Fall
- Healing Words
- Dissonant Whispers
2nd Level
- Hold Person
- Longsword (Spatha)
- Leather Armour
- Dagger (bone handled, bronze, cheaply made)
- Horn
- War Drum
- Traditional Orcish Bone Flute
- Costume (traditional tribal storyteller garb, heavy on the glass beads, animal teeth, body paint, fur etc.)
- Costume (fashionable gown suitable for posh events (looted from sacking of mage's guild)
- Costume (simple outfit for low class venues)
- Entertainer's pack
- Bedroll
- Waterskin
- Candles (5)
- Rations (5)
- a favour from an admirer (possibly a lewd poem, an item of clothing, a body part)
- Disguise Kit
- Belt Pouch with 11gp 3 bits/sp
By human standards Tobanad is tall, muscular and powerfully built, amazonian even. By half orc standards she's decidedly average, tending to the scrawny. She is striking rather than classically beautiful, but her firm jawline, strong cheekbones and huge head of thick, black hair are certainly hard to miss.