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The Dude is a Survivor in the OGO PBP Kingdom Death: Monster game.

Base Stats

General Stats
Gender Hunt XP Weapon Prof Weapon XP Courage Understanding
M 5 Swords 1 1 4
Combat Stats
Source Movement Strength Accuracy Evasion Luck
Base Stats 5 1 2 1 0
Gear Bonuses 0 0 0 1 0
Total 5 1 2 2 0

Insanity: 6

Brain: o

Survival: 6

Bleed: 0

Armor and Health
Location Armor Light Heavy
Head 5 x o
Arms 5 o o
Body 5 o o
Waist 5 o o
Legs 5 o o


Weapon Speed Accuracy Strength Additional Effects
Scrap Sword 2 5+ 3 On Perfect Hit, the edge sharpens. Gain +4 strength for the rest of the attack. Deadly (if you have 2 red and 1 blue affinity)
Finger of God 2 5+ 5 Reach 2, while you have 5+ survival, you get +1 accuracy and strength if you have 1 red, green, and blue affinity

Other Notes

Fighting Arts (max 3)

Disorders (max 3)

  • Prey: You cannot spend survival unless you are insane.

Impairments and other abilities

  • Leather Armor Set: Gain 1 armor at all HL. Immune to Bash
  • Analyze: At the start of the survivors' turn, if you are adjacent to the monster, look at the top AI card and then replace it.