Forgotten Freedom:74

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Kithle - I love these paint bombs, its the best aspect of a landmine, a tangle foot, a fearie fire, and a color spray all in one. Lets set these to this detenator. Oh Chalky bring me some of the duster rockets would you.

Chalky - Sure what color?

Kithle - Two blues and five yellows.

Roosevelt - Are you sure this is gonna work.

Kithle - Nope

Chalky - Good or I'd have to send him to get his head examined.

Lisa - What are you doing?

Kithle - Nothing to worry too much about, ... just make sure to keep the cake away from this area.

Chalky - Its gonna be a wedding gift :D

Roosevelt - Though I'm not sure about some of this he's being liberal with the paint mines, and even that shouldn't account for how fast they are dissapearing.

Lisa - ... Yeah whatever just don't screw things up more than usual.

Terra hears a shriek from down on the field. Looking up she sees Silver's god form (the multi-headed snake {OOC: and I'd like to point out that I use the word "god" to refer to all deific beings whatever their gender}) floating above the wedding area. Malik and Dzarro already have their weapons out, Lily and Feralyn seem about ready to fire off, and many of the other guests are fleeing.

Terra: Damn her. HEY, SILVER!

Silver flits over to Terra.

Terra: When I said you could be the fertility goddess I didn't mean you should appear in your true form.

Silver: Oh, okay. *transform pop*

Silver flies back over to take her seat in the front row.

Crow (currently in dove form): Everything ready?

Silver: I sent 13 ahead in time to check for unexpectable problems.

13: Krozen has a long list of embarrassing deeds. And that includes the sick and twisted ones.

Crow: We'll make sure to interrupt him early.

13: But during the reception. Let's get some people married first.

Lisa is sampling a few of the dishes set out by Erk's staff.

Lisa: MMMMMM!!! What's in this……devil's angel cake?

Greyfeline: :devil: :angel:

Lisa: I'm sorry, I don't think I understand…however it is you communicate.

Erk: Oh, he's saying it's got devils and angels in it.

Lisa: :confused: :mymy:

Erk: Seems a bunch of ninjas tried to poison the food last night. Fortunatley the food dealt with them.

Lisa: The food dealt with them?

Sarlonan dish: Waaaaiiiiiiiii-soooooooooo! (karate pose)

Karrnathi dish: *ride of the valkyries*

Shadow Marsh dish: *orc battle cry*

Lisa: :uh-huh:……………I think I'll just ignore—

Erk: And there was even enough left over to make several of those cakes. Greyfeline says they're a specialty of his.

Lisa (slowly): Well, that would explain the feathers on my dress.

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