TOTE:Character Creation
The steps for character creation are as follows:
All totems start at 1.
Choose culture
Choose which culture your character hails from. Currently you can choose to be Hatakee, Yuhtil, Othilian or Menotil.
Choose Packages
Select one Child package and one Background package. Packages are culture specific. Add up any bonuses. They are cumulative; If you get Bear +1 from your Child package and Bear +2 from your Background package, you will have Bear 4 (counting the initial 1 you start with by default)
Choose Skills
You now may assign skills with the following restrictions:
- Skills may be a maximum of 2 at character creation.
- The sum of skills in any row or column of the skill grid must add up to 4.
Choose Aspect (Optional)
Optionally, choose an aspect.
Choose Weapons and Defenses
- Choose up to three Weapons Master Weapons Table
- Choose one Shield (optional) Master Defenses Table
- Choose up to two pieces of Armor Master Defenses Table
Fill In Injury Track
Unless you have a special ability that says otherwise, fill in the first five spots on the Injury Track with 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.