Jamie Branson
A character in The Polysemous Foundation.
Jamie Brandson
Comp-sci prof, famous in her field. She actually dealt drugs in highschool. (Poor school in Arizona, if you wanted something to do the choices were guns and 'fireworks' or drugs.) She cleaned up in college, and has had a nice boring but good career in the academic side of computer security.
However she was getting bored of her life, and started drifting into the 'deep net' scene over the last couple of years. Her work was fun, but..missing something. She bought some drugs on line. Partied with a police chief's daughter, and the bitch threw her under the bus.
Now this college town cop thinks he's the FBI and is even threatening the school, and then these guys and girls in black suits come and offer to just take you away, give you a new house, and a new job.
- Aspects:
- Bored with Safety
- I want to read about /that/.
- Most people are so..caught up.
- Aspect
- Aspect
- Rank 5: Engineering, Software
- Rank 4: Research; Networking, Professional
- Rank 3: Education ; Diplomacy
- Rank 2: Resolve; Stealth; Insight; Melee
- Rank 1: Strategy; Intimidation; Cohesion; Guile; Networking, Underworld; Engineering, Hardware
- Endurance: 2
- Athletics: 4
- Perception: 4
- Stunt 1:
- Stunt 2:
- Stunt 3:
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
Stress Tracks & Consequences
- Stress:
- Physical: 0/X
- Mental: 0/X
- System: 0/X
- Consequences:
- Physical:
- Mental:
- System:
- This won't actually be a major component of the game, don't bother filling stuff in here right now.
- I'm basically going to assume you have the shit you absolutely would have to have for your concept
- And then we'll check Assets if you need anything else.
- Name
- Who they are and stuff
- Name
- Who they are and stuff
- Name
- Who they are and stuff
- Name
- Who they are and stuff