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Glory this Session

  • +20 in Bandit attack

Personal Data

Age: 21 (born in 464)

Son Number: 1

Homeland: Salisbury

Culture: Cymric

Religion: British Pagan

Father: Sir Rhain

Father's Class: Vassal Knight

Lord: Sir Roderick, Earl of Salisbury

Current Class: Vassal Knight

Current Home: Chalke



16 10 17 15 11
Dmg Heal Move HP Unc
6d6 3 3 31 8

Distinguishing Features Red Hair


  • Chaste 5/15 Lustful
  • Energetic 16/4 Lazy
  • Forgiving 11/9 Vengeful
  • Generous 14/6 Selfish
  • Honest 15/5 Deceitful
  • Just 11/9 Arbitrary
  • Merciful 10/10 Cruel
  • Modest 5/15 Proud
  • Pious 10/10 Worldly
  • Prudent 10/10 Reckless
  • Temperate 10/10 Indulgent
  • Trusting 11/19 Suspicious
  • Valorous 16/4 Cowardly
  • Chivalry: No
  • Religious: No (+3HP, +2Dmg)
  • Famous Traits in bold

Directed Traits


  • Loyalty (Lord) 15
  • Love (Family) 15
  • Hospitality 15
  • Honor 15
  • Hate (Saxons) 17
  • Concern (my commoners) 7

Non-Combat Skills

Awareness (7) 12

Boating (1)

Chirurgery ―

Compose (1)

Courtesy (5) 10

Dancing (2) 7

Faerie Lore (1)

Falconry (3) 10

Fashion ―

First Aid (10)

Flirting (3) 10

Folklore (2)

Gaming (3)

Heraldry (1)

Hunting (6) 11

Industry ―

Intrigue (3)

Orate (5) 7

Play (harp) (3)

Read (Latin) (0)

Recognize (3) 5

Religion (British Pagan) (2)

Romance (0)

Singing (4)

Stewardship (2) 10

Swimming (2) 5

Tourney (0)

Combat Skills

Battle (10)

Siege (2)

Horsemanship (10)

Sword (10)

Lance Use Spear Expertise

Spear Use Spear Expertise

Great Spear Use Spear Expertise

Dagger (5)

Spear Expertise (10) 15


Chainmail with Open Helm (10) Shield (6) Sword Dagger 5 Spears

Wonderful Cat (+1£ per winter, 1-3 Cat Dies, 4-6 has Kitten just like mother)

Horses Charger 2 Rouncy Sumpter

Squires 1 (Age 15, Sword, First Aid, Other)





Village. Hate Landlord 0

Mill, Bakery, Village Church, 4 Hamlets

Manor: Simple Hall, Wooden



Family Characteristic: Keen on Status (+5 Courtesy)


  • Old Knights: 1
    • Sir Elidir (Grandfather's Younger Brother, Age 57 - Widowed)
  • Middle-age Knights: 2
    • Sir Erbic (Uncle - Father's younger brother, Age - 41 Unmarried)
    • Sir Conuan (Uncle - Father's younger brother, Age - 37 Unmarried)
  • Young Knights: 7 (Six plus myself)
    • Sir Blaen (Older Illegitimate Brother, Age - 26 Unmarried)
    • Sir Citoc (Sister's Husband, Age - 29 Married to Sister, Lady Glaina)
    • Sir Clodri (First Cousin Aunt Sian's Son, Age - 24 Unmarried)
    • Sir Colwyn (First Cousin Aunt Sian's Son, Age - 22 Married)
    • Sir Padarn (First Cousin Aunt Efa's Son, Age - 29 Married)
    • Sir Barwyn (First Cousin Aunt Efa's Son, Age - 22 Unmarried)
  • Other Men: 14
  • Levy: 33

Other Living relatives

  • Aunt Bawen (Father's Older Sister, Age - 49
  • Aunt Efa (Mother's Older sister, age - 49
    • Keyne (Age - 17)
  • Aunt Sian (Mother's Younger Sister, Age - 39, Married)

Deceased Relatives

Family History Grand Father

  • 439 - Fought battle of Carlion, survived, No passion gain, 15 Glory. Father Born
  • 440 - Killed by Pictish raiders, 20 Glory


  • 439 - Born
  • 454 - Squire
  • 460 - Knighted (1100 Glory Starting)
  • 462 - Garrison Duty
  • 463 - Night of the Long Knives Father - Hate(Saxon)(3+5+3+6=17)
  • 464 - Married Glory 100,
  • 465 - Son born
  • 466-467 - Fought in siege of Carlion, survived, 60 Glory.
  • 468 - Fought in Battle of Snowdon, Survived, 60 Glory
  • 469-472 - Gained 100 Glory in Fighting
  • 473 - Fought in Battle of Windsor, Survived, 60 Glory
  • 474-476 - Served garrison duty, 25 Glory
  • 478-479 - Served Garrison Duty Fought in Salisbury, Survived, 40 Glory
  • 480 - Fought in Battle of Salisbury (at Menevia), Survived, 180 Glory
  • 481-483 - Served garrison Duty saw some fighting, 25 Glory
  • 484 - Died of unknown cause disappeared body never found. (Total Glory - 1750)

Starting Glory 175

Experience Checks

Passions and Traits

Non-com Skills

Combat Skills