The Pact/Peregrine
Character Information
- Name: Peregrine / Gabriel
- Identity: Secret
- PL: 10
- Hero Points: 2
- Current Conditions: -1 to Toughness saves, Fatigued (Hindered)
- STR 0
- STA 0
- AGI 12
- DEX 0
- FIG 2/12
- INT 3
- AWA 4
- PRE 4
- Dodge 12
- Parry 10
- Will 8
- Fortitude 8
- Toughness 8/0
- Improved Initiative 8
- Inspire
- Acrobatics 18
- Athletics 4
- Close Combat 6/16
- Perception 12
- Technology 5
- Stealth 18
- Wingsuit (Removable)
- Reflex Enhancement (Enhanced Attributes: Fighting 10)
- Pinpoint Turns (Enhanced Advantages: Move-By Attack, Takedown 2, Evasion 2)
- Wings (Flight 10)
- Wing Blades (Damage 8)
- Improved Critical (Wing Blades)
- Agile Feint [1]
- Armor (Protection 8)
- Quickness 10
Character Backstory
Peregrine is an American Airman... or was, but is... it's confusing someone at the top knows the logistics of it all. He just worries about doing what's "right" and reconciling that with what Uncle Sam wants at any given moment. Years of service and a knack for flying saw him moved into a program specializing in Wing Suits, no not the gliding kind, honest to goodness man sized powered flight. Peregrine excelled and in the sky found a level of freedom he'd never experienced on the ground. Soon the program was moved to Emerald City, and Gabriel, along with his unit was moved as well. It was while here that he started to notice that he wasn't quite the same as he'd always been. Perhaps it was a necessary evolution, or just untapped potential, but at first he was just able to think and process faster than any normal human could, a side effect of controlling a vehicle that could move at close to Mach 3, without the built in controls and assistance that come in a package the size of a fighter jet. From there his reflexes and motions seemed to speed up as well his body adapting to the speed at which his mind moved. Now slightly more than "human" Peregrine is struggling to reconcile the world he's come from with the one he currently lives in, while balancing the Needs of the Air Force, against those of the people he can help while working, outside "official" channels.
At 6'2" and thin, Gabriel comes off as being taller than he actually is. He's pretty much never found not in a flight suit as he puts it "When you can wear pajamas all the time, why would you wear anything else?"
He has dark hair and blue eyes, with intense features: thick prominent eyebrows, naturally flushed cheeks, fair skin. His military background is prominently displayed in the way he grooms himself, as his hair is always cut into a high n' tight and he is always shaven.
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