- Use double brackets [[]] around your characters name to link to the character page.
- Dohram Human Cleric 1. AC 16, HP 4/6. Mace +2, 1d8+1.
- Calixa Human Fighter 1. AC 16/15 , HP 6/6. Longsword +1, 1d8, Short bow +1, 1d6 (20).
- Aerylon Elven Scout 1. AC 15, HP 5/5. Short Sword x 2, (1d6), Short Bow, 1d6 (20).
- Morgansfort Blank Sheet
- Fredde Beneathbluff Cleft in twain by a gnoll's axe.
- Bwalin Dampknocker Bisected by a gnoll's axe.
- Sheela-Na-Gig Decapitated by a hobgoblin's sword.
- Cezar Torn asunder by a carnivorous ape.
- Evro Impaled on a goblin's spear.
- Baldri Orelode Skull fractured by a giant spider.
- Deryk the Strong Willed Stung to death in the eye by a bee.
- Jimbo Leafcutter Crushed under burning debris.
- Yor Burned to death in a fiery trap.
- Eldran the Shady Bitten in the face by a giant spider.
- Eamon Falstaff Left the party.
- Brodie Broadcloak Left the party.
- Lagren the Lurching Left the party.
- Altheadora "Thea" Brensaeth Left the party.
Encumbrance and Movement
- NOTE FROM DRKRASH: For the time being, I'm going to stop using this portion of the wiki. The relevant details are easy enough to grab from the character sheets themselves.
- Party Movement Rate: Presently 20 (60'/turn)
- Dohram
- Gear: 60
- Treasure: 33 gp
- Movement: 20