Force and Destiny: Blinded By the Light
A Play-By-Post game run by The Wyzard.
Player Characters
- Anton Hazard, (Guardian, Peacekeeper). Strain: 0/13. Wounds: 0/13. Soak: 4. Defense: Ranged 0|Melee 0.
- Your Character's Name Goes Here, (Career, Specialization). Strain: XX/YY. Wounds: XX/YY. Soak: X. Defense: Ranged|Melee.
- Riina Sherrik, (Mystic, Advisor/Seer). Strain: 0/13. Wounds: 0/12. Soak: 2. Defense: Ranged 0|Melee 0.
- Your Character's Name Goes Here, (Career, Specialization). Strain: XX/YY. Wounds: XX/YY. Soak: X. Defense: Ranged|Melee.
- Your Character's Name Goes Here, (Career, Specialization). Strain: XX/YY. Wounds: XX/YY. Soak: X. Defense: Ranged|Melee.
- Your Character's Name Goes Here, (Career, Specialization). Strain: XX/YY. Wounds: XX/YY. Soak: X. Defense: Ranged|Melee.
- FADBBTB Blank Character Sheet
- SD-R2 is a standard Astromech droid. Statistics as per Edge of the Empire.
XP Awards
Duty, Morality, & Motivation
Anton Hazard
- Duty: Recruiting (5)
- Morality: 50
- Emotional Strength: Pride
- Emotional Weakness: Recklessness
- Motivation: Riches
Character Name
- Duty: Name (Value)
- Morality:
- Emotional Strength:
- Emotional Weakness:
- Motivation:
Riina Sherrik
- Duty: Sabotage (5)
- Morality: 50
- Emotional Strength: Justice
- Emotional Weakness: Cruelty
- Motivation: Justice
- Motivation: Learn about the Jedi
Character Name
- Duty: Name (Value)
- Morality:
- Emotional Strength:
- Emotional Weakness:
- Motivation:
Character Name
- Duty: Name (Value)
- Morality:
- Emotional Strength:
- Emotional Weakness:
- Motivation:
Character Name
- Duty: Name (Value)
- Morality:
- Emotional Strength:
- Emotional Weakness:
- Motivation:
Duty Chart
- Hazard: 1-5
The White-Winged Dove
Statistics & Mods
- Corellian Engineering Corporation G9 "Rigger" Light Freighter
- Silhouette 4
- Speed 2
- Handling -2
- Defense: Forward 1 | Aft 1
- Armor 2
- Hull 0/25
- Strain 0/15
- Systems
- Class 3 Hyperdrive
- Navicomputer
- Sensor Range: Medium
- Life Support: 8 Persons
- Consumables: 1 Month
- Hardpoints: 4/4
- Weapons
- Dorsal Auto-Blasters. Fire Arc Forward. Damage 3, Crit 5, Close Range, Auto-Fire. Slaved to Pilot Station.
- Ventral Light Blaster Cannon. Fire Arc Forward. Damage 4, Crit 4, Close Range. Slaved to Copilot Station.
- Outrigger Light Blaster Turret. Fire Arc Forward, Starboard, Aft. Damage 4, Crit 4, Close Range. Slaved to Gunnery Station.
- House Rules
- The G9 is a model of simple and cheap construction. Repair costs are halved.
- While it doesn't have the most cargo capacity, the cargo bay door is enormous. The G9 is capable of carrying the smallest of snub fighters, speeders, or ground vehicles at Referee discretion.
- Cargo Capacity is 80. Note that in my opinion, one largeish crate of cargo is equal to 5 ship encumbrance. Therefore, the Dove is capable of carrying 16 units of cargo, less any other nonsense you put in the cargo hold.