Riina Sherrik

A character in the Force and Destiny: Blinded By the Light campaign
Riina Sherrik
- Species: Human (Ralltiiri)
- Career: Mystic
- Specializations: Advisor, Seer
- Description: Sherrik is human, 5' 5¾", with a complexion on the ruddy side of fair, short blond hair, and grey eyes. During fighting on her homeworld she was injured by a nearby shellburst and has scars and burn marks all down her right side.
- Background: From the Ralltiir system. She worked at a spaceport before the Imperial occupation as an orbital traffic controller. Afterward, she joined the resistance and has spent the last several months as a guerrilla fighter.
- Motivation: Justice. Sherrik has a strong sense of right and wrong, and she's seen the injustices of Imperial rule on her homeworld and throughout the galaxy. She is committed to seeing justice brought back to the galaxy, and she wishes those who have betrayed it to receive the punishment they deserve.
- Motivation: Discovery. Being told that she is Force-sensitive both intrigues and frightens her. The Jedi are figures out of myth; she wants to learn more about them and what it all means for her.
- Duty: Sabotage. The occupation of her homeworld gave Sherrik a firsthand look at what a juggernaut the Imperial military is, but she also saw its vulnerabilities. It can't be fought directly, but it can be misled, undermined, and diverted.
- Force Rating: 1
- Morality: 50
- Emotional Strength: Justice
- Emotional Weakness: Cruelty
- Brawn: 2
- Agility: 2
- Intellect: 3
- Cunning: 3
- Willpower: 2
- Presence: 3
- CH-16a Heavy Blaster Pistol, Damage 7, Crit 3, Stun Setting, 1 Green + 1 Yellow (1eA+1eP).
- X-8 Blaster Pistol, Damage 6, Crit 3, Stun Setting, 1 Green + 1 Yellow (1eA+1eP).
- Combat knife, Damage 1, Crit 3, 2 Green (2eA)
Career Skills
- General Skills
- Discipline 0
- Perception 2
- Streetwise 0
- Survival 0
- Vigilance 1
- Social Skills
- Charm 2
- Coercion 0
- Deception 2
- Negotiation 1
- Knowledge Skills
- Lore 1
- Outer Rim 1
- Combat Skills
Non-Career Skills
- General Skills
- Social Skills
- Knowledge Skills
- Core Worlds 1
- Combat Skills
- Ranged: Light 1
- Credits: 175
- Encumbrance: 4/7
- X-8 Blaster Pistol (1)
- Combat Knife (1)
- Heavy Clothing (0)
- Commlink & Chrono (0)
- Macrobinoculars (1)
- 2 Stimpacks (0)
- Datapad (1)
- Glow Rod (1)
- Utility Belt (-1)
- On the Ship
- Breath Mask & Respirator
- 5 ration packs & 2 collapsible canteens
- Somewhere Else:
Specialization 1
Specialization 2
Force Powers
Force Power 1
Force Power 2
Force Power 3
- Total: 210
- Unspent: 0
- Banked for Force Powers: 25
- The IPA Notation for the correct pronunciation of the character's name is /ˌriˈiːnə ˈʃɛrɪk/.
- Sherrik is, unknowingly, a distant descendant of Meetra Surik, the Jedi Exile. I cast Radha Mitchell in the role because of her physical similarity.
- Speaks with a lower-class core worlds accent that conveniently sounds like the actor's Australian accent.
Signature Block
- Actor: Radha Mitchell
- Campaign: Blinded by the Light
- System: Force and Destiny
- Player: Marian