Fushigi (Pokemon Harmony)
Current Status
Trainer: David Kirby
Hit Points: 29/42
Injuries: Paralyzed
Combat Stages: None
Level: 8
EXP: 73
Tutor Points: 2
Athletics 3d6+2
Acrobatics 2d6
Combat 2d6
Stealth 2d6
Perception 2d6
Focus 2d6+1
Poke Edges
Nature: Modest (+Special Attack/-Attack)
Stat | Base | Added | Total |
HP | 5 | 3 | 8 |
Attack | 3 | 3 | 6 |
Defense | 5 | 4 | 9 |
Special Attack | 9 | 2 | 11 |
Special Defense | 7 | 4 | 11 |
Speed | 5 | 2 | 7 |
Capabilities and Derived Stats
Physical Evasion 1
Special Evasion 2
Speed Evasion 1
Power 2
Overland 5
Swim 3
High Jump 0
Long Jump 2
Naturewalk (Forest, Grassland)
Scene – Standard Action
Target: All allies within 5 meters
Effect: Choose a Combat Stat. All allies within 5 meters
of the user gain +1 CS in the Chosen Stat
Moves Known (with STAB and Stats
Struggle Attack (not a Move, STAB never applies)
Type: Normal
Frequency: At-Will
AC: 4
Damage Base 4: 1d8+15 / 20
Class: Special
Range: 3, 1 Target
Move: Growl
Type: Normal
Frequency: At-Will
AC: 2
Class: Status
Range: Burst 1, Friendly, Sonic, Social
Effect: Growl lowers all Legal Targets Attack 1 Combat
Move: Tackle
Type: Normal
Frequency: At-Will
AC: 2
Damage Base 5: 1d8+13/18
Class: Physical
Range: Melee, 1 Target, Dash, Push
Effect: The target is pushed 2 Meters