David Kirby (Pokemon Harmony)
A Trainer in Pokemon Harmony
Current Status
Hit Points: 53/53
Injuries: None
Combat Stages: None
Trainer Level: 2
Trainer Experiences: 2
Milestones: 1 (Ambermere Gym)
Badges: 1 (Static Badge)
David has always wanted to be a master Pokemon trainer. As far back as he can remember, that was always his driving goal. So from a very young age, he did everything that he could to make his dream into a reality. He studied Pokemon, he taught himself how to survive and even thrive in the wilderness, and he spent as much time as he could in Leaffall's gym, learning from the Gym Leader. A few years ago, he and his family moved to Clearbrook, where he learned from Professor Hawthorn in preparation of leaving on his trainer's journey.
David has auburn hair, cut short and simple, and vivid green eyes. He is average height, with a thinner build and tanned skin. David is generally pleasant, but tends to let other people talk first, preferring to observe before acting. While he gets along with people just fine, he gets along with Pokemon better.
- Adept: Survival, Command
- Novice: Focus, Guile, Perception, Pokémon Education
- Untrained: Athletics, Combat, Stealth, Intuition, General Education, Medicine Education, Occult Education, Charm
- Pathetic: Acrobatics, Intimidate, Technology Education
Outdoorsman: Adept Survival, Novice Pokémon Education, Pathetic Acrobatics, Intimidate, Technology Education
- Traveler
- Novice Command
- Novice Focus
- Novice Guile
- Adept Command
- Novice Perception
- Ace Trainer
- Elite Trainer (Inspired Training)
- Duelist
- Commander
- Focused Training (Free)
- Trickster Orders (Free w/ Commander)
Combat Stats
- 13 HP
- 6 Attack
- 7 Defense
- 5 S. Attack
- 6 S. Defense
- 10 Speed
Derived Stats
- 5 AP
- 53 HP
- Physical Evasion +1
- Special Evasion +1
- Speed Evasion +2
- Power 5
- High Jump 1
- Long Jump 2
- Overland Speed 6
- Swim Speed 3
- Throw Range 6
- Size M, WC 4
Fushigi, a Male Bulbasaur. Level 8: 73 EXP
Saeth, a Female Farfetch'd. Level 5: 40 EXP
- 4 Poke Balls (1250)
- Sleeping Bag (1000)
- Sturdy Rope (400)
- Lighter (150)
- 1 Potion (800)
- 1 Antidote (200)
- 1 Revive (300)
- $2300