BritCon 2006

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Basic Information

This event is a semi-social RPG convention for British members. It will run in late Augaust.


The location of the event has changed. Please see this post: [1]

Important Statistics

Date: The Con will be held in the weekend of 18th - 20th August, starting at 5pm on Friday and ending saturday night.

Friday is generally planned as a social event, with some CCGS and boardgames for those who don't fancy going out to the pub. Games will include the following:

Star Wars: Risk Battle for Armageddon Vampire the Eternal Struggle CCG Netrunner CCG Dragon Dice CDG Go

The room also has some kind of facility for running a TV, so it could be possible to link laptops to the device. This may mean films as well.

Saturday is the main gaming day, all day. This is also a good time to explore Leeds, go shopping, see the museums, etc.

Location: The location has been changed to O'Neill's pub in central Leeds.

Price: The price has been reduced to: One shiny pound sterling (£1). This is a deposit only.

Register Your Interest:

If you wish to register your interest in turning up, please add your name to the list below:

  • Kamchatka
  • Drexel (Duncan)
  • RabidBunny (Anthony)
  • Perfect Organism
  • Warren (I'm a newbie to all this, so don't hit me, OK?)
  • bubbles
  • 3rd Level Fighter
  • Olympias (AKA Mrs 3rd Level Fighter)
  • Insert name here

Roleplaying Games

This is a tentative list of games to be run. GMs please list your games under here, with a Bullet point tag underneath where players can register their interest.

Fall of the Jedi

GM: Morticutor UK

Player Group:4-6


It is a dark time for the Galaxy. Despite their many losses at the hands of the GALACTIC REPUBLIC and their CLONE TROOPERS, the Separatist Army refuses to surrender.

Fearful that more systems will break away as the war continues, SUPREME CHANCELLOR PALPATINE has used his emergency powers to create the SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS BUREAU, despite the protests of hundreds of Senators. This order has been granted the power to take whatever actions are necessary to protect the Republic - despite the calls of Senators for accountability.

In a desperate move, the Separatists discover the existence of an ancient SITH BATTLECRUISER, the Executor. In a cunning move they capture the man whose family holds the secret of its location. The fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance, as a small group of newly-knighted JEDI PADAWANS and CLONE COMMANDOES seek to prevent him from falling into Seperatist hands...

Players: (4-6)

  • Kamchatka
  • Warren (This is D6 Star Wars, right?) (Yes it is :-) )
  • Insert Name Here
  • Insert Name Here
  • Insert Name Here
  • Insert Name Here

Other Games

Add any non-RPGs you may bring here so people can be aware of what else is available.

I may bring Vampire: Prince of the City on the Saturday as it is a lot of fun, more fun (arguably) than the RPG :p - bubbles

Shiny. I (Morticutor) can/will bring:

Card Games: Vampire the Eternal Struggle/Jyhad NetRunner Star Trek Chez Geek

Board Games: Warhammer 40,000: Battle for Armageddon Go Star Wars: Risk Star Warriors

Collectable Dice Game Dragon Dice

Yeah, I barely own any games released after 1996. I'm old already. :-P