Johnathan Schandalere

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Age: 20

Alter Egos: Jack Flash (retired), Knight Saber

Powers: Teleportation

Notable Skills:Acrobatics & Superscience

Parents: Scarlet Schandalere, ???

Siblings: Alex (twin), Hillary (adopted)


Jonathan's powers first appeared when he was 14. During a particularly exciting battle with the Rulets part of the Santa Francis Science Galleria collapsed and Jonathan (who was on a field trip at the time) was exposed to large amounts of exotic particle radiation as he tried to help in the evacuation efforts. No one can say for sure whether the accident gave him powers or just caused his natural abilities to come to the fore but soon after he developed the ability to open portals in space allowing him to teleport. After repeatedly begging his mother Scarlet to let him help her she finally agreed to take him on as her sidekick (dubbed "Jack Flash"). For the next few years things were good. Jonathan was a model student and soaked up everything his mother taught him. However as he got older he began to resent the restrictions his mother placed on him and how he was viewed as less of a protegee and more of a sidekick or mascot.

Things came to a head when he was 18 and he disobeyed his mother in battle with a mechanical menace to try a risky manouever to defeat the robot. Though he was successful his mother was angry at the undue risk he had taken and they argued and the ensuing argument caused them to officially dissolve their partnership (and not talk to eachother for weeks). Things are better now to still frosty.

Today Jonathan is an undergrad at SFU studying in the science and engineering department. In order to blend in a little he usually goes by his father's last name, lives in the dorms and doesn't talk about his past much. He's not ashamed of being a Schandalere but his family reputation can be suffocating at times. He just needs to know who he is away from the family for a little while. He hasn't given up on heroics either. He still helps people and fights crime. He has been experimenting with a variety of new costumes and identities in the last few months (the latest is Knightsaber but he's not quite happy with it).



Strength 2, Stamina 4, Agility 7, Dexterity 5, Fighting 7, Intellect 5, Awareness 2, Presence 0


Agile Feint, Equipment 1, Evasion, Improved Initiative, Inventor, Takedown 2, Uncanny Dodge


Acrobatics 7 (+14), Athletics 8 (+10), Close Combat: Dimensional Knife: Strength-based Damage 5 6 (+13), Expertise: Science 10 (+15), Investigation 3 (+8), Persuasion 8 (+8), Sleight of Hand 3 (+8), Stealth 3 (+10), Technology 10 (+15), Treatment 4 (+9)


Dimensional Knife: Strength-based Damage 5 (DC 22)

Teleport: Teleport 10 (4 miles in a move action, carrying 50 lbs.; Change Direction, Turnabout)


Commlink, Undercover Shirt


Initiative +11

Dimensional Knife: Strength-based Damage 5, +13 (DC 22)

Grab, +7 (DC Spec 12)

Throw, +5 (DC 17)

Unarmed, +7 (DC 17)


Secret Identity

Relationship - Family

Relationship - College Friends

Doing Good


Native Language


Dodge 14, Parry 14, Fortitude 7, Toughness 6, Will 5

Power Points

Abilities 64 + Powers 27 + Advantages 8 + Skills 31 (62 ranks) + Defenses 20 = 150