The Sore

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Worshipers of the Chained God.


Brother Matamani

Brother Matamani's speach at Mal'rock

Greetings brothers and sisters. For that is exactly what you are to me. As I would for my cousin Batbayar here, I would give my life for any of yours. So was it shown to us by the Chained one.

The chained God sacrificed his power, his freedom, and his sanity for us. What is a life of a mere man in comparison? For a long time now I've had enough. Enough of watching people toil and suffer, go hungry and cold, get robbed, beaten and raped by those with lust and strength. But what could I do, a merchant of some means even, to stop the awesome flood of suffering I encountered each day?

Less than five years ago three things happened. The land split and a mountain was birthed. The sun left us, only to return. A child and mother, both died in birth, both brought back.

Two years ago, I heard stories of an Orc woman with a child white as if drained by stirge. A child untouched by ORC BOGOVI