A character in the Morgansfort campaign.
- Human, Male
- XP: 0/2500
- STR 5 (-2)
- INT 12 (0)
- WIS 8 (-1)
- DEX 12 (0)
- CON 14 (+1)
- CHA 13 (+1)
- Common
Racial Abilities
- 10% xp
Class Abilities
- Cast Spells, No Armor
- HP: 5
- AC: 13
- Attack Bonus: +1 (-1 w/ STR, 0 w/ DEX)
- Move: 40'
- Saving Throws:
- Death/Poison: 13/14 (+1 vs Poison from CON)
- Wands: 14
- Paralysis/Stone: 13
- Dragon Breath: 16
- Spells: 15 (-1 vs Charm)
- Equipment: (Carrying Cap - 35, 90) Current: 24
- Armor: None
- Weapons: Walking Staff (1lb 1d4)
- Gear: Backpack, Lantern(2lb), 4 Oil(4lb), Rations, Dry(14lb), Clothing(1lb), Tinderbox(1lb)
- Miscellaneous Magic: Spellbook(1lb)
- Treasure: 3gp
- First Level. 1 per day.
- Read Magic
- Floating Disc (Range 0, 5 turns +1/level)
- Motivation: Konrad found himself ejected from his training when his father spent lost the entire family fortune on a gamble. Having no skills and no way to pay for more training, he found himself doing the only thing left to try to make a buck: he started adventuring.