Merrill's Loot

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The Gauntlets of Shadows Loot:

Ring of Wizardry - lvl 1 - Mallay

Ring of Fire Resistance - Jorn

Wand of Frost - Mallay?

Gauntlets of Ogre Power - Tambo

Magic Bowl - Merrill

Tome of clear thought (+1 int) as a reward for Wyrmreaver - Mallay

Spell Book - Merrill and Mallay Written in Drow

LEVEL 1: Magic Missile, Grease, Message, Ventriloqism, Grease, Spider Climb, Comprehend Languages, Jump

LEVEL 2: Alter Self, Invisibility, Knock, ESP, Strength, Detect Invisibility

LEVEL 3: Flame Arrow, Suggestion, Lightning Bolt, Clairaudience, Blink

LEVEL 4: Evard’s Black Tentacles, Fumble, Massmorph, Polymorph Self, Polymorph Other

LEVEL 5: Hold Monster, Wall of Iron

LEVEL 6: Project Image